Chapter 20

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"Well it's your fault Kise-kun. " Kuroko said. After Aomine ignored Kise he decided to meet up with Kuroko and talk to him about what happened  and now he's in his former teammate's house crying his eyes out.  "Here drink this. " Kagami gave him a glass of water. 

"T-thank you Kagamicchi. " Kise said and drink the water.

"So why did you kissed him back? " Kuroko asked seriously.  Kise knows that Kuroko is currently mad at him, well Aomine is Kuroko's best friend after all.

"Because....because I was caught up by the moment. " He said looking at the glass.

"That's not an acceptable reason Kise-kun. Why did you kissed him back when you know yourself that you already have a boyfriend. " He said.

"I know, I know it's wrong but I myself didn't know why I kissed senpai back. " He said covering his face as he let out a groan.

Kuroko stared at the blond for a moment before asking him a question "Do you have feelings for your senpai? " he asked.

Kise looked at Tetsuya.  "O-Of course not." He said and looked away.  I don't have feelings for senpai..... Right? 

"Then you should have pushed him away." Kuroko sighed. "You know what, you should talk to your senpai, tell him about your relationship with Aomine-kun.  After you talk to him, distance yourself, because I have a feeling that your senpai wants you. " He said.

Kise looked at Kuroko, he remembered the time that Aomine got mad at him and told him to stay away from his senpai but he didn't listen.  "I'm sorry. I will keep my distance from senpai. " he said. Now he understands why Aomine wanted him to stay away from Ryunosuke.

"Honestly, I'm really mad at you right now Kise-kun. " Kuroko said.  Kagami immediately looked at Kuroko when he heard what he said. He's already mad at Kise? Wow.

"I know, and I'm sorry for hurting Aominecchi.  But Kurokocchi, Kagamicchi I need your help, please help me, I want to talk to Aominecchi but he will just ignore me. " Kise pleads.

"Ok we need to think of ways so that he will stop ignoring you. " Kuroko said.

"Thank you for helping me! " Kise hugged Kuroko and sobbed.

After his talk with Kuroko he went back to his house, as he lay on his bed he looked at his phone wallpaper. "Aominecchi I miss you. " he then kissed his phone screen. 

I'm not used to not receiving any calls or messages from you. 

To :Aominecchi~

Aominecchi?  Good evening . Have you eaten dinner?  Don't stay up too late ok?  Goodnight Aominecchi. I love you so much and I'm sorry.

Kise waited for a response from Aomine but he didn't receive any replies. One hour later he fell asleep.  When he woke up the next morning he checked his phone but still no replies.

"Hi Aominecchi, how's your day in school? " Kise asked. This is the third day that he waited for Aomine in front of  Tōō's gate, even though he knew that he will just be ignored,again, he still waited for him.

"Are you hungry?  There's a new cake shop that opened today. Let's go,  I heard that they are really tasty. It will be my treat. " Kise said. 

"I'm not hungry, and Will you stop following me Kise, it's really annoying. " Aomine glared and left him.

Kise stopped walking and look at the back figure of Aomine. I don't care, then I'll keep annoying you until you talk to me. He took a deep breath before following Aomine. Kise walked behind Aomine and followed him until they arrived in front of Aomine's house. 

Aomine opened the gate and walked inside, Kise was about to follow him  when he closed the gate. 

"Oh,uhm  see you tomorrow Aominecchi.  I love you. " Kise said waving his hand.  He stood there for another minute before walking away. 

"Was that Kise-kun?  Why didn't you invite him inside?" Chiyo-san asked him. "Son, you've been like that since the other day .  What happened? "

Aomine sighed and looked at his mom, he sat on the couch and covered his face as he talk. "Mom, I saw Kise kissing someone else. " he said and looked at her.  "I'm mad at what he did, because I really trusted him that he would push the person away but instead he kissed the guy back! " He said and hit the table while he tried to stop the tears that are about to fall down.

Chiyo gasped at her son's attitude.  She held Aomine's hands tightly.  "Hey,son." She pulled her into a tight hug and Aomine started crying. "Shh, I know it hurts. But you still love him right? "

"Of course I do! " Aomine said between his sobs. "I even stopped buying Mai-chan's magazine and I also put all my Mai-chan magazines inside a box for him.  And now he's kissing other guy. "

Chiyo-san smiled when he heard what Aomine said.  She saw his son put a large box inside their storeroom. Ah so it's his ero magazines. "Hush, talk to him. Ask him why he did it. " She said while caressing her son's back. "Let him explain.Let me guess you haven't talked to him." She asked and looked at Aomine.  Aomine nodded slowly.

"Ah, that's why.  You should stop ignoring him.  Talk to your boyfriend.So that you can solve your problem." She smiled and wiped the tears on Aomine's cheeks. "OK?I know you miss him. "

Aomine took a deep breathe. "O-ok mom. " he said and hugged her tightly. I will talk to him tomorrow.

The next day after their training Aomine went out of the gym first. Feeling a little bit nervous about the thought of seeing his boyfriend waiting for him in front of the gate again.  But when he arrived at the gate he didn't see Kise. 

A/N : Chiyo for Aomine's mom. I hope it's ok 😅

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