Chapter 10

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Kise's P O V

Aominecchi: Hey, baby sorry I can't walk home with you today.
Kise: ohh,it's ok.
Aominecchi: are you sure?
Kise: Yup (n˘v˘•)
Aominecchi: ok, take care. I love you. Text me when you get home ok?

"Ouch!" Kasamatsu suddenly throw the ball towards me. "Senpai it hurts you know! " I said and picked up the ball.

"Then stop slacking around and get back here! Put your phone down." He said and gets back to the team.

Kise: I love you too, Aominecchi. Ok I will just text you. Bye bye. 😘

After sending my reply to Aominecchi I put my phone back to my bag,, and gets back to our practice.

After a few rounds of practice, I took a quick shower before I decided to go home.

While I walk down the streets someone suddenly hold my shoulder.
"Ryota." Someone said.

I turned around and saw my senpai in modeling. "Okasaki senpai." I said and smiled.

"Going home?" He asked and put his arms around my shoulder.

"Uhm, yes. " I said. "What about you senpai?"

"I was about to go to Maji burger ,then I saw you so want to eat snacks with me? " He said.

"Sure, but you need to pay my food."

Okasaki senpai grinned. "Ok ok. Let's go I'm hungry."

Aomine's P.O.V

Ugh, at last this project is almost done.
"Hey, Satsuki thank you for helping me." I said and stretched my arms.

"Yeah,yeah. Now where's the picture?" Satsuki said and looked at me.

This girl is so obsessed with Tetsu.

"Here." I said and gave her the pictures of Tetsuya .

"Kyaaaa! Thanks Dai-chan~." She said and hugged the pictures. "Since you gave me three pictures, I will be the one to finish this. "

I looked at her, "Are you sure?if you don't finish this and I will not be able to submit it tomorrow there will be a problem. "

She smiled and pat my head, "Duh, don't worry I will finish it. Let's go."

"Ok, thanks Satsuki." I said and pinched her cheeks. I'm, glad to have a childhood friend like her.

We both fixed our things and decided to walk home together. "Dai-chan, I'm hungry let's go to Maji burger first. "

"Ok." I simply said and we both walk our way towards the store. When we entered Maji Burger the first one I noticed is Kise.

"..but thanks to senpai for helping me at my modeling career." Kise said and smiled at the guy in front of him.

"Well it's my duty to help my kohai in modeling." The guy said and pat Kise's head.

I slightly frowned and walk towards the counter. Guess he didn't notice me.

"Hey, Satsuki do you want to eat it here?" I asked and since Kise's table is kinda near at tge counter I can hear their laughs. They are sure having fun talking.

"Yes,and I bought you snacks too." Satsuki said. "Thanks." She said to the girl at the counter and I get the tray.

"Ohh,Kise-kun." She called and Kise looked at us.

"Hi, Momoicchi and hi Aominecchi!" Kise said and smiled at me.

"Can we share table?" Satsuki asked and Kise nodded. She sat beside Kise and I sat beside the guy.

"Ryota,are they your friends? " The guy asked. Wow,did he just called him with his first name?

"Yes,uhm. This is Momoi and Aomine-kun. " Kise said. "Momoicchi,Aominecchi, this is Okasaki senpai. My senpai in modeling."

"Ohhhh, Hi Okasaki-san, I have a copy of your photo book. " Satsuki said with a wide smile. So she know this guy.

"Really? Thanks for buying it." Okasaki said and smiled. "Aomine? Ohh so you're the ace of the basketball team of tōō."

I gave him a slight nod,and we started to eat our snacks.Kise and his senpai started to talk about modeling again and since Momoi know the guy the three of them talk about modeling and I just sit there quietly, eating the burger and drinking the milk shake Satsuki bought.


Hey guys! So I made my own character. I will focus in Kise's modeling career and about the name.....I still can't think of Okasaki's first name (。_。) . I suck in making names. By the way, thank you for reading and voting for my fanfic,even tho I update so slow,but since classes are done,no homeworks and projects, I will try my best to update fast.

Ohh,and for those who graduated and will graduate this month. GOOD JOB! WE SURVIVED GUYS! CONGRATULATIONS TO US. ~ (n˘v˘•)❤😘

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