Chapter 14

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I smiled when I saw Aominecchi standing near the window because I thought he will leave after preparing the bath.

"Aominecchi, I'm sorry. " I said and hugged him directly when I got out from the bathroom .

Aominecchi looked at me, he sighed and nodded then he kissed my forehead. "Go and put on your pajamas now. " I smiled and nodded, releasing him from my hug so that I can wear my pajamas.

We both lay on my bed. Then I thought of something, I got on top of him then kissed his lips passionately. He moved his hands and rested it on my ass and then he started to return the kiss. He bit my lower lip and slid his tongue inside my mouth. His hands slowly groped my ass making me moan. Then he suddenly stopped kissing me.

I looked at him."What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, let's sleep now." Aominecchi said and pulled me to a hug.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? but I wanna do iiitttttt. ≧﹏≦

I was about to ask him again but when I looked back at my boyfriend he's already sleeping.

Hmp! I bet he's doing this on purpose ( ≧Д≦)


It's been a week since I got into that little trouble with Aominecchi. Well I guess he's not mad at me now but he keep on saying to me that I need to stay away from Ryu-senpai because he have an ulterior motives, senpai said to me that he just want to know more about me and be friends especially because where working at the same agency. What's wrong with being friends with senpai? And besides we're both guys and I don't want to avoid senpai because he's my idol. (*v*) who would want to avoid their idols?

"Kise-kun are you ok? " Kurokocchi asked, making me get back from reality.
"Huh, uhm, yeah I'm ok. " I said at him. Me and Kurokocchi is at the Maji Burger eating some snacks. Eeeyyy, eating snacks with Kurokocchi. (〜^∇^)〜
Kuroko sighed. "As I was saying, how's your relationship with Aomine-kun? "
"Our relationship is ok. " I said smiling. "Well we kinda have a misunderstanding, but we're ok now. " I added.
Kuroko nodded and then took a sip on his favorite milk shake.

I'm enjoying the Maji burger when suddenly someone sat on the chair beside me, and when I looked who's the guy it's Ryu-senpai.

"R-Ryu-senpai. " I said. "Hi. What bring you here? "

"Oh, I got hungry and decided to stop here to eat something. Then I saw the seat beside you is vacant ." He said and suddenly pulled my hand and took a bite on my burger.

"Eeeehhh, senpai! That's my burger " I said and pouted . Then I heard Kurokocchi coughed.

"Oh, sorry. Kurokocchi this is Ryunosuke-senpai. He is also a model in the agency I'm modeling . " I said smiling. "Ryu-senpai this is Kurokocchi, my friend and also former teammate from Teiko. "

"Hi. " Kurokocchi simply said and extend his hand for a handshake.

"Oh, so you're also one of the members of the Generation of Miracles? " Senpai said as they shake their hands.

"Yes." He said and get back on drinking his milkshake.

"This is cool, I already met two members of the GoM. " senpai said.

Kurokocchi looked at him. "I guess you already met Aomine-kun. "

Senpai nodded and took a bite on my burger again. I brought 3 burgers. Yes... 3 .. Hehehe.

"Senpai. " I whined and ate the remaining burger.

Aomine's POV

And to think that the scene I will see when I entered Maji Burger is my boyfriend pinching Ryunosuke's cheeks while whining . I was supposed to be here 10 minutes earlier but we still have a short practice.

"Kise. " I said and since that bastard is sitting beside my boyfriend, I sat beside Kuroko. "Tetsu, lemme drink ." I said and finish up Tetsu's milk shake.

Kise sat properly and looked at me. "Hi Aominecchi. " he said with a smile .

Ryunosuke also said Hi to me but I just nodded.

"Why are you late Aominecchi." Kise asked me.

"We have a practice with our former senpai they visited us. " I said.

"Ohh, ok. " Kise nodded and the when I was about to talk again....

"Ryota, do you have any plans for this weekend?" Ryunosuke asked.

I quickly looked at Kise. He was about to answer when...
"Yes Kise have plans for this weekend.. " Kuroko suddenly said.

The three of us looked at him oh, I forgot Tetsu is also here. Kise looked surprised at Kuroko's answer.

"Is that so? " Ryunosuke said and smiled. "Then I'll invite you next time, I'll just call you. " he said, winking at my boyfriend as he got up and before he go he kissed Kise's cheeks. "Bye Aomine, Tetsu and Ryota. " he said grinning and walked away.
Well fuck.
Kise hold my hand and squeezed it if he didn't hold it I don't know what will I do to that bastard.

Always remember this guys
THANK YOU. (for reading ,voting and for the comments.  )
Sorry ( for the supper late updates, and I always say sorry.  It's because I'm busy in school works, especially thesis. But it's ok now because its SEMBREAK!  *U* )
and also don't forget that I LOVE YOU ALL. (n˘v˘•)❤

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