Chapter 6

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The next day Aomine wake up early to cook breakfast, when he goes back to the room ,Kise is still sleeping so he decided to take a bath first. After taking a bath he sits beside the sleeping blonde, gently touching his hair.

Kise slowly opened his eyes adjusting from the lights when he felt someone touched his hair. "Good morning darling ~." Aomine said and smiled.

Kise smiled "Good morning Aominecchi, what are you do-........
Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" Kise's eyes widen and his face turned bright red when he remembered what happened last night, then he quickly pulls the blanket and hides inside Waaahhhh, so embarrassing, this is so embarrassing . (>////////////<) All the things I said last night waaahhh, someone please take me now!! Kise shouted in his pillow.

Aomine looks at Kise for a second then burst out laughing "Wh-hahahaha- What are hahahaha you do-doing?" Aomine asked then tries to get the blanket but he can't "Noooo...!!!" Kise shouted and holds on the blanket tighter .

Aomine lays beside the blonde and hugs him. "There's no need to hide, Kise, I already see all of you... I mean.. ALL. " He said smirking and slowly peeks inside the blanket.when he sees Kise's face he smiled. "Hey, Kise I want to say something, so uhm can you get out from this blanket?" Kise nods slowly and sits still covering his body with the blanket only his head is out.

Aomine sits in front of him "Uhm, I.... I love you Kise, from the first day I saw you, when the basketball hits your head " Aomine grins " I'm really thankful for that basketball , because that ball is the reason why I meet you. I'm happy that you joined the basketball club."

" I.... I thought you don't like me... I thought Kurokocchi is the person you like." Kise said then Aomine pinch his nose " Kuroko is just a brother for me, actually I'm planning to confess to you but I can't, because I'm afraid that you will get mad at me, and our friendship will be broken , so I just hid my feelings, and that moment when I saw you with that girlfriend of yours I really got jealous you know. " he said rubbing his napethe there's a short silence between them.

" Argh, I'm really not good in talking" Aomine suddenly said and leans closer to Kise " Kise " he said looking straight to his eyes.

Kise looks back at the blunette " Y-Yes, Aominecchi?" He said blushing (・///////・) so close! He's so close!

" Will you go out with me?" Aomine asked seriously. They stared at each other " Yes ~ " Kise said and smiled, After Aomine hears Kise's answer he kiss him passionately , "I love you Kise." He said and puts baby kisses around the blonde's face " I love you too Aominecchi." Kise said giggling.

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