Chapter 12

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Okasaki Ryunosuke
25 years old
A model from the Zunon boy modeling company.

" his first name is Ryunosuke. "
I continued to scroll down and read his blog . After reading all the information I need.. I realized something ,wait it's not that I'm stalking him,I just want to know something about this guy.Just in case.

I looked at my phone - no message - I guess he's already doing his beauty sleep it's already 11 p.m. I sighed and lay flat on my bed. I'm happy that mama already know about our relationship. And at the same time she's ok with it, I wonder when will I tell Kise.

I just stared at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

Ryunosuke's P.O.V

'Yes,senpai I'm really excited for our photo shoot tomorrow. '
"Me too Ryota I'm looking forward working with you. It's been awhile since we worked together. "
'Yup,I think it's been two months already. '
"Oh,two months. Ryota Who's that guy earlier? "
'He's Aomine,Aomine Daiki the ace of Too and my former teammate in Teiko. '
"What's your relationship with him.? "
"Hello, Ryota? Are you still there?"
'Yes, Aominecchi is my friend. '
" That's all?"
'Y-yes, uhm. Why are you asking Senpai?'
"Nothing, Oh,it's already late we need to sleep now. "
'Right, good night senpai.'
"Good night Ryota,see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams."
'Hehe,you too senpai'

So they're just friends huh, that's nice to hear. See you tomorrow Ryota. I smiled, looking at my phone before putting it down and laying on my bed.

--- The next Day- --

After I prepared myself I left my apartment and drive my way to Ryota's house.

' Ryota I will pick you up today, let's go to the agency together. '
'I'm on my way,by the way. ;)'

I was about to put my phone down when Kise replied.

'Ehh,o-ok senpai ( ु' ・∀ ・') ु'

After a minute I arrived at his house. I quickly get down from my car and ring the doorbell.

"Good morning Senpai." Kise said smiling.

He's so handsome.

"Good morning Ryota,are you ready?" I asked, scanning his attire, he's just wearing a simple yellow shirt and pants but he looks so handsome.

Kise nodded and smiled "Yes."

"Ok,let's go." I said opening the passenger door for him. He looked at me before getting inside my car.

I started the engine and start to drive towrds our agency building.

"Ryota do you have any plans after the photo shoot?" I asked while keeping my attention on the road.

"Uhm,nope." He said looking at me.

"Good, let's go on a dinner tonight,if it's ok for you."

"Of course it's ok!" Kise said smiling. "I want to know more about senpai and get tips in modeling too." He added.

I chuckled at his reply. "Ok then we're set." I said and parked my car on the parking lot. Kise get down first and waited for me. We get inside the building together,our managers and coworkers greeting us.

Aomine's POV

Ok this is starting to get annoying. I got no good night message from him, and today no good morning message too? He didn't replied with my texts. Maybe he's just busy,he have a photo shoot today.

I looked at the clock but it's already 12 noon. I will try to call him.

I took my phone and dialled Kise's number. After a few minutes of waiting he turned down my call. What the hell? I tried calling him again but now he didn't answered. I tried again,but still he didn't answer my calls.

"Fck,what's with him." I said annoyed.

"Mom,I'm going out." I said when I saw my mom sitting on the couch, I didn't wait for her response and directly go out from our house.

"Satsuki, call Kise and ask him where he is right now,don't tell him that I ordered you." I said.
I cut the call before she can reply. What's wrong with Kise.

I walked around the place and since it's already 12 and I didn't eat some lunch I decided to eat in Maji burger.

Hello, SORRY (again ) for updating super duper late. But I'm happy that you still read this fic. (❁'▽'❁) THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! :* (thanks for supporting, voting and for the comments ) I LOVE YOU GUYS.
By the way is Okasaki's name ok?

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL LIFE SUCKS,because you're in between being a high school student and a college student. And I have Midterm exams tomorrow.

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