Chapter 22

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Kise found himself laying on the bed, naked ,his hands are bound and feet are tied on the bedpost and his eyes are blindfolded and a buttplug is  inserted on his ass. He bit his lips to prevent his moan but when he tried to move the toy will also move inside him causing for him to let out a soft moan. He's kinda scared but at the same time excited because it's his first time experiencing this. 

I know I would do everything Aominecchi said but I didn't think that he will do this. 

Kise felt the bed sink and he knew that it was his boyfriend. "Aominecchi where did you get this things?" He asked curiously. 

"I ordered it online, actually I already have it a long time ago and I'm glad we can use it now." He grinned, even though Kise can't see him. He stood on the bed and stared at his naked lover's body. Enjoying the view. Even though he already saw Kise's body for many times he still, and will forever be amazed on how beautiful and toned his body is. He grinned and took a photo of him, after taking a photo he put his phone on top of the table and get back on Kise, now he's straddling him. He started to roam his hands on Kise's body, touching every part of him and every part where Aomine touched gave Kise a tingling hot sensation.

Kise bit his lips and let out a shaky moan when Aomine started rubbing his nipples, rolling his fingers on it and pinching it. His nipples is one of his sensitive part and Aomine knew it. Well it's Aomine's fault why he became this sensitive. Aomine continued to play with his nipples, he started licking the right nipple while still rubbing the other one. Aomine swirled his tongue around Kise's nipples, enjoying the gasps and soft moans that Kise made. He gently bit on it and sucked him again. He stopped and  started doing the same on his right nipple and continue to do it for a minute.

"Aominecchi~" Kise whined and arched his back when Aomine sucked hardly on his nipple and as he move he can also feel the buttplug move inside him. 

"Yes baby?" 

Kise's face is already bright red. " D-Don't just focus on my nipples." He let out another moan when Aomine pinched both his nipples and rubbed it but even Kise told him to stop Aomine didn't. Kise can already feel that he's about to come any minute now if Aomine will not stop rubbing his nipples. Aomine grinned at the precum flowing on Kise's erection. 

"You're really sensitive now huh, look at the precum. I only played with your nipples but you're already this wet." Aomine said. "Let's see, come if you want baby." he sucked on Kise's nipple again. 

Kise groaned and arched his back, his body shivered as he came just by being stimulated on his nipples. 

"Oh wow." Aomine stared at Kise's face as he came. "You really came." 

"I---I already told you to stop." Kise pouted. His face still flushed.

Aomine chuckled and leaned down to kiss Kise. He then removed the blind fold and chuckled again when Kise gave him a glare. "Awww don't get mad, I know you liked it." He said kissing him again. 

Kise rolled  his eyes and kissed Aomine back, slightly nipping on each others lips.  He parted his lips so that Aomine can slip his tongue inside.  Aomine rolled his tongue on Kise's rubbing each other.  Kise let out a soft moan as the kiss continued.  Aomine caressed Kise's body while they continue to kiss.

"Aominecchi,  untie me I want to hold you. " Kise said after their kiss. 

Aomine untied Kise and ordered him to turn around. Kise complied, he's on all fours, he looked back and gasped when Aomine removed the toy and spread his ass, he grinned and started licking  Kise's hole. Kise moaned , his face turned bright red when Aomine started liking him. Aomine continued to move his tongue, thrusting it inside and at the same time as he moved his tongue he also squeezed Kise's ass before spanking him. Kise let yelped when Aomine spanked him. It stings but at the same time felt good. Aomine stopped moving his tongue , he kissed Kise's ass and gave him another spank, but this time a little bit harder, it left a red mark on Kise's white flawless skin. 

Kise moaned with pleasure as Aomine continued to spank him.  Both of them realizing that they found a new kink. Aomine kissed the marks that he made on his boyfriend's ass.

"Aominecchi." Kise looked back at Aomine, biting his lips. "I want you."

"Beg for it baby." He said and grinned as he rubbed Kise's hole with his fingers.

Kise had an idea, he always wanted to do this but he's shy except now since they're already into spanking. He spread his ass, looked back at Aomine and licked his lips. "Please fuck my hole daddy, its craving for your c.ock. Fuck me hard daddy please~ ." 

Damn. He squeezed Kise's ass first and then suddenly entered him making the blond scream. He grinned and started thrusting faster and harder hitting Kise's prostate. Kise buried his face on the sheets as he moaned loudly. "Oh fuck ." His hands gripped on the pillow tightly. "Yes fuck , daddy.~ It feels so good!" Aomine continued to thrust with the same pace and he  gave Kise another spank. "Do you like it Ryota?" 

Kise moaned, his mind is getting blank because of too much pleasure. "Ye~aaah~!".

"What? say it again." Aomine gave him hard thrusts.  Hitting deep inside Kise.

"Yes! I Like it daddy~!" Kise moaned out. Oh my god this feels so good.

Aomine pulled out,turning Kise around, he spread Kise's legs before thrusting back again, he reached for Kise's nipples and played with it while he continued to move. He kept on rubbing and pinching them. When Aomine hit his prostate, Kise came again moaning his lovers name. He also is in his limit and when he felt Kise tightened around him he also came, releasing his load inside Kise. 

When they both calmed down. Aomine  grinned while he watched his lover in a messy state . He leaned down and  kissed Kise's neck, kissing his adam's apple. Kise let out a soft moan and groped Aomine's ass while he let him continue the kiss. Aomine licked his neck before sucking on the flesh, slightly biting on it and making a mark. He then proceed to kiss Kise's collar, making another mark  while he slowly moved grind his hips making Kise moan. He stopped when he was satisfied on the marks he made on his lover's skin. 

"Mine,only mine." He smiled and kissed Kise. 

Kise chuckled. "All yours baby." 


I'm still practicing on my smut ahahah. I was planning to do BDSM but seems like I can't do it  -Orz-  I'm sorry I hope you like this chapter. 

And by the way, I made a KageHina one shot related to the dream that I had. The title is "My Sunshine" . If you guys wanna read it you can just click on it~ ;) I hope you like my one shot. Its my first time making KageHina <3 <3 Haikyuu OTP huhuhu. Actually I'm planning to make another chapter for that oneshot xD but I'm still thinking if I will continue it or not. xD 


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