Chapter 23

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Two month have passed after their fight. Their relationship is running smoothly again.  Well that's what Kise thought until he spotted his boyfriend outside the coffee shop . 

He was about to go home from school when he got hungry so he decided to stop and eat some snacks inside a coffee shop. While he was taking a sip on his coffee he spotted Aomine outside on the other side of the road, talking to a girl. He pouted because when he texted and asked Aomine where he is he said that he already went home.

Home huh.  Kise immediately finish his coffee and put his things inside his bag. 

He decided to follow them.  The girl wrapped her arm around Aomine's arm as they walk and Aomine didn't even bother to remove her hold. 

Oh my god what's this. Aominecchi who is thiw person?!!  He really wants to go to them but he stopped himself because he doesn't want to make a scenario. 

He also noticed that Aomine is avoiding him for the past weeks, his invitations always got declined, saying that he's busy.  And now when he texted Aomine that he will go to Tōō he said that he already went home. He quickly hid on the tree when Aomine turned around. He started following them again when they started walking, the girl's arm is still wrapped around Aomine's. He tried calling Aomine, but Aomine just looked at his phone and ended the call. Kise got shocked, he looked at Aomine and the girl as they walk arm in arm and talking happily with her. 

Kise felt his chest tighten as he watched them. He decided to stop following when they entered a jewelry store.  He feels like he was about to cry, so he decided to went home. When he arrived home his two sisters are there.

"Ryouta welcome home... What's wrong honey? " Akine, the eldest asked him. She also knew about his relationship with Aomine. At first she was against it, saying that it's not good. But they proved that their relationship is worth it, they proved their love for each other. And later on she accepted their relationship.

"Nothing Akine nee-chan. I'm just tired. "

"Oh ok, if you're hungry there's food in the table. "

Kise nodded and smiled he kissed her sister's cheek before going to his room.

"What do you think happened? " Kiara asked when Akine sat on the couch.

"I dunno, but I feel like it's about his relationship. " Akine said. "But let's wait for him to say it. " she added.

Kise put his bag on the desk and he plopped down on his bed, sighing. Thinking about what he saw earlier, thinking about Aomine and the girl.  Thoughts started to enter his mind.

"What if he's secretly having a relationship as a comeback for what I did? " he said to himself,shaking his head. "That's stupid Kise.  That was one month ago. "

"Maybe..... Maybe he's tired of me now and he realized that he really likes girls, especially with large boobs." He whispered to himself and hugged the teddy bear that Aomine gave to him and started crying,because of his imagination. 

"Daiki." The girl groaned as she tapped the glass frame. "What do you wanna buy, we've been here for almost an hour now and you still haven't chosen a gift." 

Aomine groaned. "I'm trying to find the best one. Let's go to the next shop."

"Whaaatt?! I should have declined this." She said and Aomine dragged him towards the next shop.

3 hours later of entering different jewelry shops, Aomine finally bought the gift. "Thank you so much for coming with me Mira. "

"Nah no problem, it's a beautiful gift by the way, you're girlfriend will like it. " She said.  "I need to go now, my  cousin texted me. "

"Are you sure?  Aren't you hungry? " He asked.

"Naahh I'm still full. Bye bye  take care. Tell me if she likes it ok? " She walked away waving her hand.

"Bye. " He waved his hand back. "I really hope he will like this one. " he said as he looked at the box he's holding.

Mira, the girl who accompanied him buying a gift is his classmate. She's the only girl that is close to him and agreed to help him buy a gift. Aomine decided to ask one of his classmate Instead of Momoi because he knew Momoi will tell Kise about this. 

When he got home he looked at his phone. Oh right Kise called me earlier but I didn't answered it. I'm sure he's mad at me right now. I've been ignoring him for these past weeks now.

He was about to call Kise when an unknown number called him. When he answered it he was greeted with a question.

"So what did you do to our little brother?  Why is he crying? "

Even if he's not going to ask who the person is he already knew it. It's Jose's eldest sister, Akine.  He took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry ---"

"I already told you not to hurt him. He said that you're ignoring him for these past weeks and earlier you didn't answer his call because you're with another girl. "

Oh my god he saw me?  That's why it feels like someone is following us earlier. "Wait it's not what you think. "

"Then what is it?"

"Akine-san are you alone right now? Please I don't want Kise to hear this. "

Akine sighed. "What's with that?  Why do you want to keep it as secret to your boyfriend? "

"Are you alone right now? "

"Yeah yeah I'm inside my bathroom because I know Ryouta and Kiara is eavesdropping."

She heard another sigh. "Actually, the reason why I'm  ignoring Kise for the last week is because I'm having a part time job. In order to earn money.  The girl that's with me earlier was my classmate Mira.  She's only a classmate, I swear,I asked her to help me pick a gift. If you're asking why I didn't ask Momoi it's because I know she  will get excited and will spill my surprise."

"Surprise for.....oooh, oooh, are you guys going to have your first anniversary? " She said in a slightly loud voice.

"Sshhh!  Sshhh! Yes tomorrow will be our first anniversary. And I hope you will not tell him about what we talked about. "

"Sure, do you want some help? what gift did you buy? " Akine said a little bit excited.

"A blue earring and a ring. Also since I have extra money I will treat him to dinner."

"Wow sounds cool. Ok don't worry this will be a secret. He will not now about the gift. "

"Thanks Akine-san. "

"No problem. " She said and ended the call.  Oh my god their first anniversary!!!! 

Akine calmed herself before opening the door and just as she thought Ryouta and Kiara is eavesdropping because when she opened the door they both fell on the floor.

"Did you call Aominecchi?  What did he say? "

"He just said sorry and ended the call." She said, faking her anger.

Kise looked at her surprised and confused and seconds later he started crying.

Aahh I'm sorry darling. It's just a joke. Hehehe. Akine grinned when he hugged Ryouta.


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