Chapter 17

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Ryunosuke's P. O. V
The first time I saw Kise I already knew that I want him.  He was still new in the modeling industry at that time and I got a chance to be close to him, he was the one who approached me asking some advices and that made us close. I tried to ignore the feelings that I have for him but I failed. But now,  I feel that someone already have Kise's heart, I will do everything so that he will be mine.  I will steal him away from that guy.
When I arrived at the studio Kise already started on his photoshoot.  Since Valentine's is only a week away he's doing a  Valentine's day fashion photo shoot for the zunon boy magazine. Hmmm, As usual he looks beautiful even if Kise is just wearing a Red shirt with denim jeans ,that attire is for casual dates.  I will invite him to watch a movie later. Last month he declined my offer.  I crossed my arms as I continue to watch Kise . After almost an hour they're done.

"Kise. " I called when he was about to enter his room.
"Oh ,hi Ryunosuke. " He said with a smile his usual bright smile. "I thought you don't have a photo shoot today. "
I rubbed the back of my head. "Actually I just came here to watch you. " I said with a childish smile
Kise looked at me and giggled. "Really? Thanks senpai ." He said and hugged me.
"Are you free today? Let's have lunch together. " 
Kise looked at his watch and nodded.  "I'll just change in my uniform. " he said entering his room.
"Ok I'll wait for you outside. "
"Is there something on my face? " Kise asked. Maybe he noticed me staring at him. I just shook my head and smiled at him "You're just too handsome. " I said and winked. Oh he blushed.
"S-stop that senpai, come on eat your food or else it will turn cold. " He said as he took another spoonful of the food that we ordered. I chuckled and also started eating the food I ordered. 
"What are your plans for Valentine's day? " I asked as I finished my food.
Kise looked at me "Ah,  I'm going to  a party with my friends. "
"So you already have plans huh, well if it's ok to you can we go out again tomorrow? " I asked .
"Yeah, sure it's ok senpai. " Kise said after a few seconds of silence. I smiled at him. 

After we finished our food, I drove Kise to his home.  "Good night senpai. " Kise said when he's already in front of the gate.  "Thanks for the treat. "
I nodded. "No problem, maybe I will call you  so that I can tell you what time I will get you tomorrow. " I said and gave him a wink before getting inside my car and driving away.

Kise's P. O. V 

I just finished taking a bath when my phone rang. 
"That was quick senpai. " I answered without looking at the caller ID.
"Oh, you're waiting for someone's call. Sorry I'm not your senpai."
I got shocked ,it was not Senpai it was Aominecchi who called. Why are you so dumb Kise. Before answering a call you need to look at the caller ID first!  Urrrgghh.
"I'm sorry Aomine----" he ended the call.
I quickly dialed Aominecchi's number, after the third call he finally answered.
"Aominecchi, I'm sorry I thought it was senpai. "
"So you're really waiting a call from him. "
"Yes, no.. I mean he said to me earlier before he left that he will call me,  I'm sorry I didn't read the caller ID ."
"He came to your house? "
"No,  he drove me home. Senpai treated me to dinner. " I said.
"Wow, you must be really happy huh because you ate together with your senpai."
I sighed. "Aominecchi it's not like that. Senpai and I are just friends, no need to get mad. "
"Of course you're just friends. It will stay in that position because you're already mine."
" I know,  love you Aominecchi. "
"I love you too babe. How's your photo shoot? "
"It's fine, you really need to buy a copy when it's already available ok? "
"Sure I'll buy one. "
"Uhm, Aominecchi. "
"Yes, baby. "
I thought for the words that I will say for a minute before talking again.
"Senpai invited me to watch a movie tomorrow. "
"And? "
"I.........said that I will come. "
"Then why did you told me ,when you already said to him that you will  go. " Aomine said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, it's just I always decline Senpai's offers since last month, I'm embarrassed to say no this time."
"Ok, I hope tomorrow will be the last time that you will go out with him. "
"I can't guarantee that Aominecchi, we're in the same agency. "
Aomine sighed again. "Just be careful, don't let your guard down. "
I giggled at what Aominecchi said. "I'm serious Kise. I swear to God if he will do something to you I will punch his face to the point that he need to retire being a model. "
He's really serious. "Ok babe , I will never ever let my guard down, and please don't do that I don't want you to end up in jail. Good night babe , I love you. "
"Yeah, I love you too babe, tell me where you will go tomorrow ok?  "
"Why?  You will stalk us? " I said giggling .
"Maybe. "
" ok I'll text you immediately if senpai will tell me the place. "
"Good. I'll hang up now, bye. I love you. "
"Bye  love you too. "

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