Chapter 21

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"Senpai...." Kise said.  They're  currently inside the studio's dressing room, Kise started to feel nervous being around Ryunosuke since the time they kissed.  He flinched when Ryunosuke caressed his cheeks. 

"Haven't I told you that you need to call me by my name? " Ryunosuke said, leaning closer. His arms locked Kise on his spot making it hard for him to move.  Ryunosuke's eyes went down to Kise's lips and before Kise can move, Ryunosuke was already kissing him. Kise gasped, he's not going to make the same mistake.  I'm not going to make the same mistake.  He roughly pushed Ryunosuke away and he fell on the floor. Kise wiped his lips and glared at the other man.

"Oh, what's this?  Do you not like the way I kiss you? " Ryunosuke asked, standing up. 

Kise took a step back. "Yes and I hate it ." He said.

Ryunosuke pinned him on the wall, he lifted Kise's chin and let him look at his face.  "Is that so? But you even kissed me back at that time. " he smirked, his hand slid down Kise's waist, while the other is holding Kise's hands tightly.

"I.... I regretted that time" Kise said.

"Regretted? You were really in the mood at that time. We even kissed usi---" Kise shoved Ryunosuke away. 

"Senpai! please, stop." Kise said, he's in the verge of tears. 

Ryunosuke laughed. "Are you scared that your boyfriend will know?" He walked closer to Kise. "You know, we can always do stuffs without him knowing." he said.

Kise gritted his teeth. "I don't want to hurt ----."

"Well it's too late now because you already did something to hurt him." Ryunosuke said smiling. "You have the chance to push me away at that time Ryouta but you didn't. And I knew that you like me. Your movements and reaction tells me that you like me. Come Ryouta, be mine leave him. " Ryunosuke said reaching out his hand. Kise slapped it and glared at him. 

"I admit I liked you senpai, but that was long ago. I already have Aominecchi in my life now and I don't want him to disappear from me. I am so stupid for making such a mistake and I am not planning to do it again." Kise said taking a deep breath, he clutched the door knob tightly. "I had fun going to the Amusement park with you though." He said. Kise didn't wait for Ryunosuke to say something he went out, leaving his senpai inside the dressing room alone. 

"Kise-san are you going home now?" A female staff asked him. 

"Yes, thank you for today." Kise said and smiled at her, patting her head.

"Uhm, Kise-san someone is waiting for you, I asked him to get inside but he said that he'll wait for you outside." She said and Kise already had the feeling on who that person is. "Oh, ok thank you, I'll go now. Goodbye.Take care going home ok? It's already late." He said. When he was near the front door , he saw Aomine. He took a deep breath before going out.

When Aomine saw Kise he picked up his bag and started walking. Kise looked at him and decided to follow he got confused when Aomine turned at the street going to his house. Since his house is just a walking distance from his Modeling Agency building.
Aomine stopped in front of the gate and let Kise opened it, when they're both inside the house Kise immediately hugged Aomine tightly.

"Aominecchi I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kise said, repeating the words while hugging him.But Aomine didn't hugged him back, he just stood there not moving and not saying a word. No, is this the end? is he breaking up with me?  Kise keep on hugging the other  male tightly. Scared that  if he will let go now he will never be able to hug him again. 

"Ryota." Aomine said and Kise flinched, he buried his face on Aomine's chest. This is it. He's going to break up with me. Kise tried to stop his tears but he failed and he started crying.  He's scared of the thought that Aomine would break up with him. I think he hates me now, I hurt him. 

"Aominecchi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for kissing Ryunosuke senpai. I'm sorry for not pushing him away. I know I made a big mistake and hurt your feelings. But Aominecchi please don't break up with me. Please, I can't imagine my life without you.Please don't leave me." Kise said crying.  "I-----I'm sorry." He managed to say between his loud sobs. 

Oh, I went too far.  Aomine smiled and pat Kise's head. "Who said I'm breaking up with you?" He said and Kise immediately looked at him, tears keeps on falling down his cheeks. Aomine chuckled. "Hey, hey.. shhh, no one said that I'm breaking up with you." He said and wiped Kise's cheeks. 

"B-But.... but you didn't hug me back.." Kise said and keeps on crying.

Aomine sighed. "I just teased you a bit, I'm sorry. Stop crying now." But Kise didn't stopped so Aomine did the best way to shut him up. He pulled Kise and kissed him. Kise didn't hesitate and returned the kiss. He really missed Aomine's lips. When Kise stopped crying Aomine broke the kiss. He let their foreheads touch as they catch their breath. "I miss this, I missed you." Aomine said and kissed Kise on the forehead. "But I'm still a little bit mad at what you did."

Kise looked at him. "I-I'm sorry! I will do anything." he said and he was about to cry again. 

Aomine pinched Kise's cheeks. "Hey, hey. I already forgave you so don't cry. But you still need to do what I say, ok Ryota?" Aomine smirked.  I really love your crying face though. 

Kise shivered when he heard what his boyfriend said. He felt excited and scared at the same time. "Yes, I will do anything you say. Aominecchi." 

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