Chapter 15

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I really really want to punch him straight to his face. So that he can't do some modelling.

"Aominecchi, I'm sorry, I really didn't know that Ryu-senpai will come to Maji Burger. "

"I already told you to stay away from him! Can't you see, he's flirting with you?! I guess that's why you don't want to stay away from him because you like being with." I accidentally snapped at him.

"I... I can't stay away from him, because we...we work at the same agency. " Kise said,looking down. I know that he's trying his best not to cry. Shit.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you. " I said. "Just......please don't let your guard down when you're with him. "

He nodded and hugged me back,then he started to sob quietly. "I'm sorry. " He sobbed/cry.

"Sshh, don't cry. " I lifted his chin and wiped the tears on his cheeks and kissed him, passionately.

He stopped sobbing as we kiss, I slightly nibble on his lower lip before slipping my tongue inside his mouth. My hands rested on his butt and I slightly squeezed him making him moan. Ugh, we're still at the living room, We need to get inside my room just in case mom will come back.

I managed to carry Kise to my room without breaking our kiss. When we got inside I immediately lay him down the bed and got on top of him.

"Aominecchi... " He said, reaching out as he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down to another kiss.

I worked on unbuttoning my lover's uniform, revealing his white soft skin. I kiss his chin down to his neck, sucking on his sweet spot, making him moan. I kissed and licked my way down to his waist line.

"Aominecchi it hurts. " He whined, looking down at the bulge on his pants.

I smirked and unbuckled his belt, after removing the uniform he's wearing I licked my own lips as I look at the naked guy laying on my bed. Damn. So cute. I leaned down to capture his lips kissing him, hard. Then suddenly Kise pushed me and got on top of me, already holding his necktie. He smiled at me as he tied my hands together.
"No touching.Let me do all the work." He said and kissed my neck, his hands caressing my chest. He kissed me down to my belly and to my waist line, he looked up at me before wrapping his lips around the tip of my throbbing erection. Ah shit, this is too much. He didn't remove his gaze as he suck me. "Aah, Kise " I moaned and closed my eyes, he continue to suck my erection and then suddenly stopped. Making me gave him a what the hell look. He smirked and stood up, he got hold on my cock as he slowly position himself sliding/sitting down at my erection. "Shhiit, Kise. " I groaned, he's so tight. He looked at me blushing, and started to move his body up and down in a freaking slow pace.

"I like the view I'm seeing right now babe. " I said smirking.
"Sh-shut up. " Kise said between his moans. He continue his slow movements and I can't hold it anymore so I moved and thrusts my hips forward, making my cock go deeper inside him.
"Aaah~!" He moaned out and looked at me. "I ~ aah~ I said d-don't move!" He said.
I successfully untied my hands and hold onto his hips. "Sorry babe can't hold myself anymore. " I said as I gave him a hard thrust making him moan loudly.
"A-Aominecchi~aaah~aa! " I tied the necktie on his erection tight enough so that he will not come. "N-no let me come! " He whined. "No, not yet. " I said as I pushed him down, making him lay on the bed, I grabbed his legs and continue to pound harder on him, hitting his prostate and making him moan loudly, well I guess he's screaming with pleasure right now.
"Aaaah~ A-Aomine~!" He moaned out my name. I untied the necktie on his cock and as soon as I removed it he release his load.
I continue to thrust inside him before releasing my load inside him. Moaning his name.

We laid on the bed, panting, catching our own breath. Kise moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, "That was so sexy babe, you riding me. " I said.

"Shut up, I told you not to move but you still moved. And how did you remove the tie? " he asked, pouting .

"Sorry, you're so sexy and I can't hp myself to pound you. " I said as I squeezed his ass making him blush. I smiled and leaned closer, giving him another kiss.
And then someone knocked on my door making us stop."Darlings, dinner is ready come down when you're done. " Mom said.
And now Kise's face is redder than tomatoes.

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