Chapter 11

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"Goodbye senpai,thanks for the treat! " Kise said and waved his hands goodbye before joining me and Satsuki.

"Woah, he really is handsome Kise-kun." Satsuki said to Kise and they talk and talk as we walk. I sighed and just keep quiet.

Maybe Kise noticed my silence because he nudged me.

"Aominecchi are you ok?" He asked.

I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Uhm, I still need to buy some stuffs that mom told me." Momoi said and bid us goodbye.

We waited for Momoi to enter the super market before we continue to walk.

"Babe." I said and put my arm around Kise's shoulders.

Kise smiled and looked at me.

"Why are you so quiet? " He asked and poked my side.

I just shook my head. "I don't understand the topic so I just kept quiet. "

Kise nodded, we walk together going to the bus stop silently while my arm is still around his shoulder.

"Babe,can you sleep at my place tonight? " I asked ,since tomorrow is weekend so I guees it's ok.

"Sorry Aominecchi I can't. " He said looking at me . "I have a photo shoot with Okasaki-senpai tomorrow. "

"Oh, ok. Just text me if you're done so that I can pick you up." I said and quickly kissed his cheeks.

"O-Aominecchi!" Kise said with a slight blush on his face.

"What? Is it wrong to kiss my boyfriend? " I asked and laughed, i was about to kiss him again when he pushed me away.

"The bus is here. Bye bye." Kise said and smiled at me.

"Text or call me when you arrive." I said and mouthed him the words 'I love you.'

He nodded and waved his hand goodbye. I waited for the bus to disappear before walking my way back to my house.


"Daiki! Food is ready! " Mom called from the kitchen.

"Mom, you don't have to shout I'm just at the living room watching t.v" I said as I sit on my chair.

We're quietly eating when mom suddenly asked something.

"So how's your relationship with Kise?" She asked making me choke on my food. "Daiki are you ok?"

I stared at her for a second. Wait,I don't remember telling her that we're going out. I thought. 'Did Momoi tell my mom? "Relationship? " I asked.

Mom rollwd her eyes "Daiki, I already know that the two of you are going out." Mom said and smirked. "With all those sounds I hear from your room during the middle of the night. " she said and laughed.

"MOM!" I shouted. Ugh, this is so embarrassing.

*short flashback *
"Aominecchi what do you think you're doing? "
"Kissing you."
" I-I know but where in your house and your mom is also home. "
"Shhh, don't worry, mom's already sleeping, it's the middle of the night. Just be quiet ok."
*end of flashback*

Mom laughed. "You know your face is so red right now. " she said. "Let's continue eating. "

Mom didn't ask more questions about our relationship, I guess she just want me to be the one to tell her. After finishing our dinner I immediately go up to my room. When I open my phone there's a message from Kise.

Kise: Aominecchi! I'm home now. (。⌒∇⌒)。
Aomine: You just got home? It's already late.
Kise: Sorry I was about to text you but Okasaki-senpai called me. We just finished talking. (=^-ω-^=)

"Hmm,so he was talking with that guy."

Aomine: ok. Don't forget to eat your dinner.
Kise: hai~! (●′ω'●)
Aomine: ok babe I love you.
Kise: I Love you too Aominecchi. ('♡ ♡'+)

I guess the two of them are close friends.

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