Chapter 24

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Kise laid on his bed sobbing.  Thinking on what he's done, thinking on the possible things that Aomine will say to him. Thinking about how happy Aomine is while he's talking to the girl. 

"Waaaahhh Aominecchi why? " He bawled on his pillow.

He took his phone hoping to find a message from his boyfriend but when he opened his phone there's no message. He looked at the date and sobbed. 

"Why does it have to be now?  We will have our first anniversary tomorrow." he said as he reach a little box under his bed.  It's a gift for Aomine, a necklace with a ring on it. He stared at his gift until he fell asleep holding it. 

Akine peeked into his brother's room.  Don't worry you will have fun tomorrow. She smiled before closing the door again.

The next day Kise woke up, horrified when he saw his reflection on the mirror, his eyes are so puffy and his voice is hoarse from crying last night. He immediately went inside his bathroom and took a bath.  When he's already refreshed, he applied some concealer on his puffy eyes. He learned how to apply makeup since he entered as a part-time model. He sat on his bed and took his phone.

From: Aominecchi 💕
Hi baby Good morning have a nice day.

To: Aominecchi 💕
Good morning baby. (。'▽'。)
Do you know what day is today?  ❤

From: Aominecchi 💕
Hmm Saturday.. Why'd you ask babe?

To : Aominecchi💕
Oh, nothing. Uhm did you forget something?

From: Aominecchi 💕
Something?  Nope.  Oh babe gotta go. I'll text you later bye bye. I love you

To: Aominecchi 💕
oh ok bye. Love you too ❤

He forgot about our anniversary. How can he forget the best day in our relationship?!  What did that girl from yesterday did to him?! 

He threw his phone on the bed and got up. He stomped his way down to the living room where his two sisters are sitting, talking about their jobs.

"Good morning Ryota. " They greeted in unison.

"Good morning Akinecchi and Kiaracchi." He said and flopped on the chair.

"What's wrong? "

"Aominecchi didn't greet me. I think he forgot that today is our anniversary. "

"Did you greet him? "

"No. I want him to greet me first. And when I tried to call him I can't contact his number. " He pouted.

"Aww now now. Why don't we go out. Forget about him, you're pouting too much you're going to get wrinkles with that. " Kiara said and got up.

"Go change your clothes. We'll change ours too and then we will go and spend our time outside. Ok? " Akine smiled.

Kise stared at them and nodded before going back to his room.

"Oh and please wear the best clothes that you have." Akine shouted.

He wore a simple shirt and a sweatpants ,he took his phone and didn't bother to fix himself. He sat on the couch,waiting for his sisters.

"Ryouta!  What is that?  What are you wearing. I told you wear your best clothes. Oh my god. Get up, come here. " Akine sighed and pulled Kise towards his room.  Kise groaned. He knew that Akine will do this, well she was the reason why he get into modeling.

Kise sat on his bed while his sister searched his closet , a few minutes later they got out from his room earning a gasp from Kiara.

"Wow!You're so handsome Ryouta. " She said and took a picture of him. Posting it on her IG account.

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