Chapter 4

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THUD , Aomine and Kise fall down to the floor and at the same time the lights came back, and found themselves in an awkward position.

Kise is laying on the floor while Aomine is on top of him, his hips pressed on the blonde's, while their lips only few centimeters apart.

They stay in that position for a while staring at each others eyes. Kise unconsciously bite his lips.

Why is this guy so sexy? Kise pushed him gently and gets up , fixing his clothes " Th-the lights are back, I'll go to bed first." Kise said and turns around he was about to walk when Aomine suddenly pulls him
"A-Aomine---" Aomine suddenly kiss the blonde like he was the only living person on earth. Aominecchi~ without a word Kise wrapped his arms around the blunettes's neck and kissing him back.

Aomine sucks Kise's toung, slightly biting the blonde's lower lip. Their tongues fighting each other, Kise moaned softly when he feels Aomine's hands rubs his erect nipples , then Aomine breaks the kiss and looks at the blonde.

Aomine tighted his grip on him, pulling him closer, feeling the blonde's body pressed againts him. The blunette move his mouth to his ear, his throat, nibbling slightly on the flesh making a pink mark making the blonde moan .

Aomine stopped and looks at Kise's blushing face "Kise, you can stop me, when there's still time, when I can still control myself. " he whisper licking Kise's neck.

" I.... It's ok, Aominecchi" Kise said shyly, then quickly gives Aomine a kiss, he blushed .

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