Chapter 8

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Warning! (/・ω・)/
" So, do you mind introducing your... friend ,or boyfriend to me, Kisecchi?" My sister asked and walked towards us.

I blushed "Nee-chan, m-meet Aomine Daiki,m-my boyfriend. " I said "Aominecchi, meet Kiara my sister. "

They both looked at each other and shaked their hands.

"Nice to meet you, Kiara-san." Aomine said.

Kiara smiled and shaked hands qith Aomine "Nice to meet you Aomine-kun."

"Uhhh, right. Right now you know each other,so uhm, nee-chan can you remove your hands on Aominecchi's? " I said.

"Ohh, sorry. " She giggled and winked at Aomine before walking towards the kitchen.

I looked at Aomine what the hell? Are you blushing?! "Uhum.. Aominecchi." He looked at me and smiled.

" Damn, your sister is beautiful, is she a model too?" He asked. I gasp and stared at him really?

"No." I simply said and walked past him "Oi, what are you doing here nee?" I asked when I enter the kitchen.

Kiara just shrug "I just want to visit my little brother." She said and took a bite on the apple.

"Sure? Then why did you bring a large bag?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Ok, I'm staying here for only one day. I'll leave tomorrow night. "

"What? Why? Where are you going? "
"I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow and I'll stay there for a month vacation. " She looked at me and grin.

I just sighed and nodded "Ok, but only for one night ok?"

She just waved her hand and get another apple.

I walk back towards the living room "Nee, Aominecchi,I'll just take a shower." I said, but he hold my hand "Help me get up."

I looked at him and sighed,pulling him up. I walk upstairs to my room and he followed me,locking the door when he get inside.

"Uhh, Aominecchi? I thought you're going home." I said looking at him.

He walked towards me,wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. " Can I sleep here?" . I smiled and nodded at him.

He smiled back and kissed my lips. Me of course, I kissed him back, tangling my fingers on his hair and deepening the kiss.

"W-wait Aominecchi, let's take a bath. " I said.

Aomine looked at me with a smirk.
"Ohh, an invitation. "

I stared at him for a second before I realized what he mean. I entered the bathroom ."What, you don't wanna?" I asked and winked at him. I really missed him.

Aomine and I entered the bathroom. I took of my clothes.I still feel a little shy when I'm naked in front of him.

I turned on the shower and get inside "Ahh, so refreshing. " Aomine turned me around so that we'll be facing each other, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed our bodies closer before capturing my lips. At first I didn't respond to his kiss, I want to tease him first but he suddenly rub my erection making me gasp, he smirked and took the opportunity to slid his tongue inside my mouth,and our tongue tangled each other and deepen the kiss.

The kiss made my body hot. I bit Aomine's lower lip before kneeling down and grab his hard d.ick, I looked up at him before licking the tip.

Aomine's P.O.V

Dammit! . My breathing starts to get heavier everytime Kise's suck gets faster, he swirl his tongue on my d.ick and looked up at me with an innocent look in his eyes. I'll cum even if it's just his mouth. I grab on Kise's hair and starts to thrust inside his mouth, he stopped moving his head and just let me thrust inside him deeper. Ahh, shit his mouth feel good. I opened my eyes and pulled him up giving him a quick kiss before pinning him on the wall and grabbing his thighs to let it wrap around my waist. "Hold on to me." I whisper and slowly get inside him , he wrapped his arms around my shoulder tightly. "Hey relax your not gonna fall." I said and kissed his neck and started to move inside him.

"Ahhh!" Kise's moan really turn me on. I smirked and start giving him hard thrust causing for him to moan louder. His nails are digging into my skin everytime I thrust inside him but I just ignore the pain. "A-Aominecchi." He said between his moans. So sexy. I slip out of him before thrusting hard and move in a fast pace. "Aaahhh-hmm!" Kise shouted and burry his head on my shoulder as I keep on slamming inside him ." I-Im gonna come. " He moaned and I gave him a few thrust before we both release our loads, I released inside Kise and Kise released his load in both our chest but it's immediately washed out by the flowing water.

" I missed you so much babe." I said as I carefully put him down on the floor and pecked on his forehead.

"Aww, I missed you too, Aominecchi so much." He answered and kissed me back "Now let's continue our bath." He smiled and I just nodded at him.

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