Chapter 13

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Subject: unknown
From: Momoi Satsuki

Kise said that he's at his agency building doing some photo shoot. What's wrong with you?

To: Momoi Satsuki

Nothing. By the way thanks Satsuki.

I sighed and rested my head on the table. Maybe Kise is just busy. I will try and call him again later.

- ------------- -
Kise's P.O.V
"Thanks for your hardwork guys! Today's photo shoot is done." Our manager said to us and the staffs are clapping and complementing us for our hardwork.
Well it's not really hardwork because you just have to make some poses.
I thought we will finish early today but something came up and we need to do some more pose. I sit on the chair sighing and got a glimpse on the clock. Ohh it's already 6:30 p.m.

"Sht! I forgot to contact Aominecchi." I said,quickly picking up my phone and when I opened it there's 20 messages and 5 missed calls.

I hope he's not mad.
I said befor dialing Aominecchi's number.

"Finally " Aomine answered with an annoyed tone.
"Sorry Aominecchi, I forgot to text you." I said apologizing.
"You forgot to text me. Even a good night and good morning text you also forgot. "
Wait, I didn't message him good night last night?
"I'm sorry,it's because I'm --"
"Busy, yeah I know,it's ok. I'm kinda used to you being busy,and it's fine to me."

I think Aominecchi is mad.

"Ryota let's go now." I heard Okasaki senpai said.
"Oh, you have a date with your senpai?"
"It's not a date.Senpai just want to treat me to dinner. "
I heard Aominecchi sighed on the other line of the call. "Ok, have fun babe, call me when you get home.Ok."
I was about to answer him when my phone suddenly turned off. What the,my phone is already lowbatt.

"Ryota let's go I already reserved us a table. I hope you will not change your mind." Senpai said.
Sorry Aominecchi. I promise I will go directly to your house tomorrow.
"O-ok senpai." I said and smiled a little before following him inside his car.

The restaurant was just a minute drive away from our agency building. When we're already sitting a waiter took our orders (A/N: just imagine some foods in a high class restaurant ) .

"I really like working with you Ryota." Senpai said and smiled .

I just noticed Senpai have a nice smile.

"You're like a pro in modeling senpai" I said.

"Ryu. How many times do I need to tell you to call me with my first name." He said and pinched my nose.

I think he told me 10 times already.

"Ow ow, ok Ryu. " I said with a chuckle.

"Good. By the way who called you earlier? " Ryu asked.

I was about to answer when the waiter arrived, bringing the foods that we ordered.

"Thanks" Ryu and I said together to the waiter.

When the waiter already leave, we started eating.

"Hmm, their food taste delicious. " I said as I eat another spoonful of the food.

Ryu nodded and smiled at me. We eat silently, focusing our attention on the delicious food we're taking.

I really dreamed about eating out with my favorite model. Well Ryu-senpai is one of the reason why I get into modeling.

"Why are you smiling? " Ryu-senpai suddenly asked,making me blush because of embarrassment.

"Smiling? Uhm, its,its because the food is really delicious. " I said and laughed awkwardly.

Ryu-senpai shook his head and smirked. "Ok if you say so."


"Thanks for the treat senpai.. I mean Ryu." I said and laughed. After eating dinner we dropped by at a bar and got some drink. I'm not drunk,just a little tipsy....just a little.

"You're welcome. We can do this again if you want." Ryu-senpai said and hold my shoulders to steady me. "Let me get you inside your house. "

"No need,I will be the one to help him." I felt someone pulled me away from senpai,and when I looked at that someone I found out that its Aominecchi.

I smiled and lean at him. "Hi,Aominecchi." I said.

Aomine just looked at me,no he's not just looking Aomine is glaring at me.

"Thanks for dropping him home.You can go now." Aomine said to Ryu-senpai.

Ryu nodded and looked at me. "I'm going now Ryota,good night. " he said and winked at me.

I smiled and waved my hand goodbye. "Bye bye, Ryunosuke~... take care." What the hell am I saying.

Aomine didn't wait for Ryu-senpai to go, after I finished my goodbye he pulled me inside my house and closed the door.

He's mad.I'm really dead. Why the fck did I talk to senpai like that?! Kise..... goodluck.

I looked at Aomine,but he was just sitting on the couch.

"U-uhm, Aominecchi.." I said,softly and stand in front of him, I'm going to sit beside him but he stood up.

"I'm going to prepare your bath." He said and entered inside the bathroom.

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