Chapter 16

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Aomine's MOM POV

"I'm home. " I said as I entered our house.  I stopped when I saw two pairs of shoes in the front door.  He's with his boyfriend.
I really thought that the only thing that can attract my son are girls with big boobs
but I guess not.
I can't find them, so I guess they're in his room In his room hehe.  I smirked and proceed to the kitchen to prepare our dinner.

Hmm,  I wonder what they're doing.

15 minutes later

I walk towards Daiki's room and stopped exactly in from of my son's door. I was about to knock at their door when I heard a moan. My face immediately turned bright red.

" Aaaah~ A-Aomine~!I-I'm gonna come~!" Kise moaned inside Daiki's room.  I quickly turned around and get inside my own room. I-I guess they're still busy,I'll ju-just come back laterI thought as I calmed myself. 

Another 5 minutes later 

I think it's ok to call them now.  I stood in front of my son's door again, and slowly knocked.
"Darlings,  dinner is ready.  Come down when you're done. " I said ,and then get back to the living room. 

Kise's POV

OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD.  THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.  I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow.  Auntie didn't know about us.

"I bet mom heard y---"
"Shut up! " I glared at Aomine and throw the pillow towards him. He just laughed. 
"Why are you so calm?"
Aomine gave me a shrug ."Come on, mom's waiting. " He said and handed me the clothes I left here last time.

After taking a quick shower and change my clothes, we both get out from the room and proceed to the kitchen.

I looked at Aomine's mom, she smiled at me and I also smiled back at her. 

"Hi Kise. " Aomine's mom said to me, she motioned her hand to the vacant seats in front of her.

"Hi Auntie. " I said, as I sit down and also Aomine sat beside me. 
Afted saying our thanks, we started to eat,  silently.

After a few minutes Auntie suddenly talked breaking the silence.  "So.... " she paused and looked at both of us "How long have you been going out?" she asked, looking at me.
"Uh-uhm..Auntie we're already going out for 3 months. " I said .
"Don't.... "
Auntie stared at us. I looked at her. Don't?  Waaah I want to cry, what if Aunti don't want us to continue our relationship? 
"Don't call me Auntie. " She said, in a serious tone.

゚( ゚இஇ゚)゚⇦My face
"Call me mom or mommy, but I prefer mom. " She said and giggled.
(இ﹏இ'。)⇦ I'm freaking crying right now.

"What's with that face? " Auntie asked with  a laugh. 
Aomine looked at me, trying his best not to laugh.
"I-- I thought you're mad. I thought you don't want your son going out with a guy." I said sobbing.
"Eeehh,  me?  Mad?  " Auntie laughed again "No, of course not,  I already know back then that you guys have a relationship. "
Aomine smirked and wiped my tears. 
"Also I want to see you cry. " Auntie said, smirking.
"Shh, don't cry babe mom is just messing with you. " Aomine said and wiped my tears.
"I hope my son is not giving you any problems. "
I shook my head.
"Good. Now let's continue eating. "

After eating dinner,  auntie told me to stay for the night. And she asked me lots of questions, also she asked for my autograph, Auntie... No..  Mom said said that she have some copies of my photobook and that made me happy. Actually im so happy right now, because we're already official with our family. And they also support our relationship.

"Mom, we need to sleep now, it's late we still have class tomorrow. " Aomine said.
"Ok, but if you plan to do it again, please lower down your voice. " Mom said smiling. And that statement made me blush.
"Good night mom. " Aomine said and walked towards the room.
"Good night. " She said, and hold my hand "Good night Kise. "
I smiled at her.  "Good night too.... Mom. " I said and hugged her. She also hugged me tight.
"Kise. " Aomine called from the room.
We both let go from the hug, and I walked my way to our room.

I get inside, locked the door and lay beside Aomine.
"You look like a child when you cry. "
"Hmp!  You did that on purpose, not telling me that Auntie--"
"Mom" Aomine cut in.
I nodded. "That mom already knew. "
"Well.. " He pulled me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I didn't know that mom will tease you. " he said  and get on top of me.
"Let's do it again. " He said and kissed me. "Just don't be too vocal. "
"It's your fault though. " I said "You feel so good, inside me. " I blushed after what I said.
Aomine smirked "Really? "
I nodded.  "Good to know that you love it. " he said and get back on kissing me again.  We did it twice before we sleep and when we woke up we did it again once. And that's why we're late for the first subject.

A/N : I love you guysss and also Thank you!  💜💜💜💜
BTW I wonder if my smut scene in chapter 15 is ok. (T▽T)

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