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There was a time when Melanie Jayne would design costumes for Leo's plays. He hired her specifically because she was good at it and she could deliver what he wanted. Also, she and Nicole are like sisters so it was obvious why Leo would have wanted her to do it anyway. She and Victor had only met a few times during this stage and they barely knew each other. Not enough to go out for dates, at least. Victor had always been the one to want Melanie Jayne to get his costumes fit for him because he said he prefered dealing with the designer herself if he ever needed adjustments. It was just an excuse he created to be at close proximity with her. She would otherwise spend her time in her office at work or at the studio.

Victor took a chance that changed their relationship once and for all and he did it during a fitting session he had with Melanie Jayne. She was dressing him and adjusting all the pieces to his costume. As she was tying his neckwear for his costume and he kept looking down at where her hands were as she was adjusting the neck piece. She would keep telling him to look up because he was blocking her view and that she couldn't see what she was doing. He would look directly at her and into her eyes every time and it would make her blush. He found it amusing and kept looking at her as she tries to ignore him. 

She was adjusting his collar and he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She was shocked but she didn't fight him because she had been aware of what's been happening between them ever since they learned each other's names. She slowly pulled away and whispered to him that they were at work. He smiled at her and said, "Perhaps.....we could do it again some other time.....when we are not at work?" Melanie Jayne smiled at him and continued working on his costume. She was blushing and it became apparent at that moment how they felt about each other. That was the beginning of their relationship and every single day after that changed their lives forever.


Victor and Jean arrived at the airport and discovered that Melanie Jayne was already gone. Just then, Jean's phone chimed. A text message came through. It was from Melanie Jayne.

I'm alright. Please tell Victor not to worry. MJ

Jean showed Victor the text message.

Victor: Who took her, Jean? I can't make sense of any of this! Whose number did she just text you from?

Jean: The man who took her goes by the name Sebastian. He is......Theodore's twin brother......

Victor: WHAT?!

Jean: He works for the Yamamoto family.........

Victor: Who?

Jean: Melanie Jayne's mother's family..........

Victor knew that his wife was far away from him now. He just couldn't understand how everybody is so calm about it. Jean brought him into the airport waiting area and got an airplane ready for their departure. Victor was looking at the tracker on Melanie Jayne on the device and it just vanished. He sat down with his hands covering his face. He was worried. Now, he has completely lost her.


We arrived at a private airport. I looked around to see where we were and quickly realized that we were in the Eastern region. Sebastian held onto to me by my arm and walked me to a limo. As we were about to get into the car, Theodore attacked Sebastian from behind. He punched him over and over. I got scared because Theodore was attacking his brother with no remorse. He kept going and Sebastian fought back. The rest of the security standing by started attacking Theodore with bokkens and metal batons.

MJ: Stop! (tries to stop the security from attacking Theodore) Please stop!

I ran towards Theodore who was on the ground, covered in dirt and blood. I held him up and wiped his face.

MJ: (looking at Theodore) Theo......Are you ok?

Seb: (dusting himself off) You've always been an idiot!

Theo: You are not.....taking her.......anywhere........(spits out blood)

Seb: Yeah? And what are you gonna do? (looks at Melanie) Come! (puts out his hand)

Theo: Don't.....go......Melanie Jayne.........

MJ: I'll go with you if you promise not to hurt him.......

Sebastian shakes his head and laughed.

Seb: You cannot be serious! (looks at Melanie holding onto Theodore) Oh, you are serious.......You are just wasting my time!

Sebastian snaps his fingers and signals the security to take Theodore.

MJ: Stop! You said you wouldn't hurt him!

Seb: Relax, Melanie Jayne......We're just making sure he stays like a good dog......

Sebastian had the security tie up Theodore and left him on the ground. He then walked over to him and rolled him over with his foot and places it on Theodore's chest.

Seb: Do not follow us....... (starts laughing) It's not like you could keep up anyway! (kicks Theodore and walks away)

Sebastian grabbed my arm and pulled me into the limo. I looked at Theodore, lying down on the road through the window as we drove off.

MJ: You can't just leave him like that!

Seb: He'll be fine. (looks at Melanie) You have to stop worrying about him. He's supposed to be the one looking out for you.

MJ: He is! Why did you have to hurt him? (starts crying)

Seb: Oh, come on.......Don't cry....... (rolls his eyes and shakes his head) (whispers under his breath) I cannot believe I am doing this.......

Sebastian hugs me and pat me on the back, trying to console me. I continued crying.

MJ: He's your brother.......how could you do this to him.......

Seb: You know,I'd tell you if we had all the time in the world..... (wipes tears from Melanie's face) But......I'm just gonna save it for some other time, okay? He's going to be fine.


Jean approaches Victor who is at a complete lost in his thoughts. He was sitting down, trying not to think of the worst of where Melanie Jayne is or how she is with his hand on his forehead. He kept thinking about how things could have been different if hadn't left her side. He kept thinking about how happy she was after breakfast when she had that talk with Lorenzo. She was finally understanding her family.

Jean: Mr. Keel. Our vessel awaits. Come on.

Victor looked at Jean and stood up. He slowly made his way onto the private jet that's ready to go. It never crossed his mind in his entire life that he would ever board a private jet and going after the love of his life, halfway across the world just to know that she is safe. He's done so much in life and yet, he is about to experience new things still.

Victor settles into his seat as Jean sits across from him.

Jean: Try to get some sleep. It's going to be a long flight.

Suddenly, there was a chime on Jean's phone. A new message has come through. Jean looks at it and smiles.

MJA : Time Is Not EnoughWhere stories live. Discover now