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We sometimes do things and we don't really know why we do it. We just want to find our way but the path seems so foggy that we can hardly see where we're going. A little guidance like a fog light or street light would come in handy in times like these. It's not like we intended to deviate from the path. We just wanted to see if there were options. The rightful path is always the most obvious path but we sometimes let our curiosity get the best of us and it can get us into a lot of trouble. Sometimes, too much trouble that we need help even from the people we don't like.

Victor and I freshened up and got ready for dinner. We were escorted into the dining area and sat on the floor. Jean and Kaito arrived shortly. Theodore walked in afterwards. I didn't want to look at him still so I kept my glance just around the dining table but I could feel him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I owe him an apology but I just wasn't up for a conversation just yet. Not with him at least. Victor sat beside me and held my hand.

Victor: Where is Sebastian? Is he not joining us? (looks at Theodore)

Theo: I have not seen him since we arrived.

Kaito: He usually prefers to have dinner alone. He enjoys his own company.

MJ: (whispers) That's not surprising........

Victor looked at me, indicating that I should be more polite with my remarks. He wasn't stuck with that guy for so long. I was. And he took my phone and not let me lock the washroom door in the airplane. Also, he beat up Theodore and left him on the road. Not to forget all the shit he's been saying about his brother throughout the entire journey. I do not have any polite remarks with regards to Sebastian at this point.

Kaito: I understand that this is not your first visit here, to this part of the world, Melanie Jayne......

MJ: Yeah, I've been here a few times. Fashion week and stuff. Mostly work related.

Kaito: I hope your visit this time around is better in terms of company........

MJ: Well, I'd love to go take a look around. We usually have a tight schedule when we were working. Sightseeing was never possible. But yes, the company this time around is......interesting........

Victor: Maybe we should go take a look around. (looks at Kaito) If that's ok with you.

Kaito: It is entirely up to you, Mr. Keel. You decide. It would be good for you and your husband to spend some time together too, Melanie Jayne...... I was told that you never really had a honeymoon since the wedding.....The erm.....incident with your home......It was.....tragic.....

MJ: Yeah, and speaking of tragic.....(looks at Jean) Did you know that we made headlines for weeks on end, Jean? It turns out, we died. You, me, Victor and Christopher......

Victor: Not now, Melanie Jayne.......

MJ: When would be a good time then? We're all here......Well, all of us except Nicole of course......typical........

Victor: Melanie Jayne, please......we can talk about this later........

Kaito: It's alright, Mr. Keel. We can talk about it now. Melanie Jayne, faking your death was a way your father and I thought we could protect you and your new family. You were being hunted by RC. You are aware of that, are you not?

MJ: Then, let me just kill him. We've killed Samuel.......

Jean: Melanie Jayne. Samuel was hardly a threat. He was used by RC to get to you. If he knows you are alive, he will kill you........And before you say anything along the lines of "Let him just kill me", let me remind you of the other people who care about you whose lives are also at stake as we speak.

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