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It was early morning. Melanie Jayne had just gotten ready. Instead of heading to the dining area for breakfast with the family straight away, she decided to spend some time with Kai who happened to have been awake. She wanted to clean her and get her ready before everyone else arrived.

MJ: (playing with Kai in her crib) Do you want to join us all for breakfast today?

Victor: (surprises Melanie) She should join us. She's a big girl now....... (kisses Melanie) Are you coming to breakfast?

MJ: Yeah.....just cleaning up here a little........

Victor: Ayaka can do that........ (takes Kai and grabs Melanie's hand) Come on........

Breakfast was lively. Everyone was home and everyone seemed happy. Melanie Jayne looked around the dining table at everyone. These are the people she cares about and these are the people who care about her. They were all her family. She smiled as she had her meal. She wanted everyday to be this way. Everything was perfect.

Victor decided to take Kai for a walk in the garden after breakfast. He felt like a little sunlight would have been healthy for her. Melanie Jayne followed them. Christopher wanted to walk with her.

Christopher: (holding Melanie's hand) Mommy.......

MJ: Yes, Christopher?

Christopher: Can I ask you something?

MJ: Sure. You can ask me anything you want! (smiles)

Christopher: Is it true that you got stabbed on your shoulder with a piece of glass?

MJ: (surprised)......Yes.......

Christopher: Was it that man with the yellow hair? Was he the one who stabbed you?

MJ: .......Yes........

Christopher: Why did he stab you?

MJ: I erm.......I was protecting a friend......and he stabbed me......instead of friend.......

Christopher: Why was he trying to stab your friend?

MJ: I don't know, honestly.......

Christopher: Was that man trying to kill you?

MJ: Christopher, honey.........why are you asking me all this so suddenly?

Christopher: I want to know, mommy. Was he trying to kill you?

MJ: I am guessing so........I am still not sure why he did what he did........

Christopher: Why would he want to hurt you, mommy?

MJ: (frowning) I......I don't know........I really don't know........Christopher, please tell me........why are you asking me all this so suddenly?

Christopher: (looks at Melanie) I don't want people to hurt you or daddy or Kai. I want to make sure you are safe. You've always kept me safe. I want to keep you safe too, mommy. I don't want you to get hurt. (hugs Melanie) I love you,mommy.

MJ: (hugs Christopher) I love you too, sweetie. I love you so much. (tears up) Listen, you don't need to worry about me, ok. That is Theodore's job. (kisses Christopher's forehead) I just want you to grow up safe and be a good boy. (hugs Christopher) I know you are. I just don't want you to worry about me, ok. (smiles) Mommy's ok.

Victor approaches Melanie Jayne and Christopher while holding onto Kai.

Victor: Is everything alright? I was walking and didn't realize I was talking to just Kai........ (looks at Melanie) Are you alright, honey?

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