Chapter XXVII

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Twenty minutes had ticked away since their journey began on foot, with Takemichi trailing behind in silence, absorbing the animated conversation between Kazutora and Amalie. Eventually, he summoned the courage to break his silence.

" Um... Hanemiya-kun ?". Takemichi hesitated before addressing him.

" Hm ? Kazutora's fine". Came Kazutora's casual reply.

" Kazutora-kun. Are you a third-year at our school ?". Takemichi inquired.

Kazutora nodded affirmatively," Yeah".

" If someone as renowned as you had been in our school all this time, I would have expected a much bigger fuss... especially considering your close relationship with Amalie-chan". Takemichi mused.

" I've known Kazutora since I was 12 years old". Amalie stated simply.

" I only attended for one semester as a first-year. I've been at a reform school since then". Kazutora added.

Takemichi's eyes widened in shock," What ?! Reform school... You got arrested ?".

" It was his fault". Kazutora muttered, glancing toward the ground.

Amalie frowned, displeased that he shifted the blame onto Mikey for what had transpired. Despite attempts to explain the truth during their visits while he was incarcerated, he remained obstinate about his version of events. Perhaps, as a coping mechanism, he had convinced himself of this narrative, but it didn't excuse his actions or the blame he placed on Mikey.

" His ?". Takemichi repeated with evident confusion.

" Look, we're almost there". Kazutora deflected, avoiding a direct answer.

Takemichi furrowed his brow, intrigued by Kazutora's cryptic response and wondering if Amalie was privy to this untold story.

After a brief pause, Kazutora halted in front of an abandoned arcade, eliciting puzzled glances from Takemichi and Amalie.

" Huh ? Is this the place ?". Takemichi questioned.

" Yup". Kazutora replied nonchalantly.

" An arcade ?". Takemichi muttered, perplexed.

" It closed down a long time ago, though". Kazutora explained as he stepped inside.

As the trio entered, they were met with a starkly different atmosphere than Toman's. The air was thick with tension, an icy chill pervaded, and piercing glares followed them, accompanied by tendrils of smoke.

Amalie, scanning the surroundings, was abruptly pulled from her thoughts by the sound of fists meeting flesh. Kazutora guided Takemichi and her toward the commotion. Amalie's eyes widened as she witnessed Baji in the center of a circle formed by Valhalla's members, ruthlessly pummeling Chifuyu.

Baji had warned her about a 'test of faith', but in her naive interpretation, she hadn't anticipated it would entail such a brutal assault on Chifuyu. She assumed it would involve someone random. Nevertheless, selecting Chifuyu for this test made strategic sense; as the vice-captain, his betrayal would resonate more strongly, solidifying Baji's allegiance to Valhalla.

Following Baji's instructions, it was Amalie's turn to play her part. She crossed her arms, fixing her gaze on Baji with cold eyes and a visage of intense disdain directed towards the black-haired youth.

" Kazutora-kun... What's happening here ?". Takemichi asked, genuine horror coloring his expression.

" What do you mean ? It's a test of faith". Kazutora replied nonchalantly.

" A test of faith ?". Takemichi echoed, clearly perplexed.

" It's Baji's way of proving his allegiance to our group. Leaving Toman for Valhalla is like changing religions. He needs to show he's truly committed. The person Baji is currently thrashing is Toman's first division vice-captain, his most trusted confidant". Kazutora explained.

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