Chapter 1

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Today is the day where the winner for the Plinth prize is announced. Me and twenty three other eligible students will meet in the university to see which one of us was successful enough to win the famous cash prize, and we will have a mandatory viewing of the reapings following the announcement.

I'm anxious to know whether I got the prize, or not. It's not like I need the money, or anything like that. I'm not poor. I just want the glory, and the pride of it all. I want to be acknowledged for being the best student here. I mean I already know I am, but other people knowing doesn't hurt. With a family like mine it would be no surprise to hear the name Treech Duchannes being called as the winner.

But then the reapings would squash my moment. Those filthy district kids finally getting some capitol attention would just ruin the whole atmosphere. I understand why we have to watch the reapings, with them trying to promote the hunger games, and everything. But can't it wait? I am sure everyone here is more interested in the prize, than in the lives of those from the districts.

I brush off the thought of the districts, and make my way into where the screening will be held. I scan the room to see what kind of crowd is here. I see plenty of students in their uniforms, then a small few without. I am a part of the few without, with me styled in a black suit for this special occasion. I decide to make my way over to the small group of my fellow students. Ones who I can have a competent conversation with. 

I quickly walk past a group discussing table manners of all things. I can see Arachnes disgust as she and Fetus converse with Felix. But they aren't the ones I am trying to associate myself with. Arachnes a bitch, and Festus is just... dumb for lack of a better word. Felix on the other hand isn't a terrible acquaintance. With my grandfather as the Governor, and his dad the president, we could have a sophisticated conversation if we put our minds to it. 

But now isn't the time. "I can't believe they let Sejanus be eligible for his own fathers prize" Vipsania says to Livia and Apollo "Can't he just ask his daddy for money. He isn't even capitol born, which apparently doesn't effect the results, but it should"

"I have to say you are right with all that. But with how much he bad mouths the capitol, and it's games should he really be representing the academy?" I say to them confidently "Like you said he isn't capitol, and the star student shouldn't be going around praising the districts of all things"

Vipsania looks at me with a proud grin painted on her face "Thank you Treech. I am glad you can agree with me. Livia over here wasn't seeing my point" she says before sending her friend a quick glare.

Livia just rolls her eyes, and waves her hand brushing it off. "I don't care if he is running, or not. I really can't see Strabo Plinth giving his bastard more money. It would make him look bad, and I can't see him taking pride in his district loving son. It's not logical"

"Sorry Vips, but I have to agree with Livia on that one. But you made a fair point" Apollo says.

"Whatever" Vipsania mutters before turning her focus to me "So who do you think will win? It's obviously going to be you. You have the best grades, and you winning would make the academy look great. I mean look at you"

I can feel a sense of pride flow over me, I give her an appreciative nod at her words "You are too kind. I am glad I am not the only one who can see the prize in my future"

She blushes and says "I am only being truthful here. Anyways one day we'll be married, and it will be my job to build up your confidence. Not that you need it with how wonderful you are" 

Oh yes mine and Vipsanias future marriage. Our parents proposed the idea of joining our two families together a couple of years back. With the both of us being high achievers we excepted the offer. Imagine how powerful of a couple we could be. Joining the Duchannes and Sickle legacy into one. Vipsania isn't a terrible person to be paired up with for life. She's ambitious, competitive, intelligent, successful, and she is easy on the eyes. Much like me. The two of us have a lot of potential.

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