Chapter 20

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I can't help, but find a little humor in the situation that I am in. I went from being the capitols golden student, to a runaway. So now I currently sit in the station, waiting for the train to arrive and take me away from here. 

The process of getting registered to work in the newspaper industry was easier than I had thought. All I had to do was receive a set of official documents with my assignment, then listen to a short explanation on what exactly I will be doing. Apparently once I get to seven I will get a more in depth step of instructions. 

Lastly before I was ready to go, they had me change out of my academy uniform, and into something more district like. I look unrecognizable, but I don't mind the jeans and buttoned up flannel they gave me. The flannel is warm, and soft against my skin. And the jeans are... they are surely different I will say. But the boots are something I could get used too.

I pull a cookie from in my bag, and nibble on it as I wait. My legs swing back and forth, and I feel the breeze flow against me. I feel at peace almost. I savor eat crumb of this cookie and chose to focus on comforting flavor of the chocolate. 

My short moment of peace is cut short due to a loud whistle, and a large train pulling into the station. I stand up, and wish I had a napkin for my messy hands. But I don't, so I wipe them on my pants like a heathen. I go and stand behind a short line of future peacekeepers, and district workers, who are waiting to board the train.

After a minute or so, a man takes a look at my ticket, and says "District seven stop will be tomorrow afternoon, NEXT!" Then I climb into the train. I walk for a little bit, and take in my surroundings. Basic seating, and a place above my head for my bag. Nothing interesting at all. I guess this is how the common folk travel. If they travel at all.

I find a seat by a window, and put up my bag. I only sat there for a few minutes before the train takes off. I lean my head against the glass, and watch the city pass for one last time. It feels odd watching the buildings blur together without having Vincent by me. 

I feel slightly down knowing that I won't ever see this place again. I won't ever get to complain with my friends again about Deans lack of sobriety. I won't get to properly know Vincent. I won't get to watch Persephone, and Fetsus as they continues to grow in love. I also will never get to know if Clemensia is okay, or if she is even still alive.

Hopefully I can get used to the change of lifestyle. I don't really know what is like to live in the districts if we are being honest. I have been raised in a lavish household, so that is what is familiar to me. So this move is going to be a cultural shock for me. If I am lucky I will get to go through it with _____.

She is native to district seven, so hopefully we can make amends and I'll have her by my side. Then she can help me with learning how to live in district seven, and I can be there for her during her healing process. 

I keep my head against the window, and focus on the quickly moving scenery before me. We are away from the city now, and in the rural areas. I've never been this far out before. It's quite beautiful. Very green.

After a few hours of watching the plants zoom away, I drift off into a peaceful slumber. A sleep full of all the best (worst) kinds of dreams. One where I late to class, and got expelled. One where I was married to Vipsania, and had kids with her. Disgusting. Lastly I had one where I was a tribute alongside some sad redhead girl. In that one Vipsania was my mentor, and _____ was nowhere to be found. That one left me with an odd sense of deja vu, which gave me the heebie jeebies. I couldn't fall back asleep after waking up.

The rest of the train ride had me lost in thought. Thinking about all sorts of things. Like those weird dreams, life, and more. It got tiring thinking so much, so at some point I tried shutting off my brain, but that never works.

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