Chapter 12

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"Several tributes gone in minutes. If they keep it up at this pace, we're gonna be outta here in no time." Lucky announces with enthusiasm, before going on to read the weather forecasts. "Now, these record high temperatures aren't doing that fire that continues to burn out here in district nine any favors. In district ten, this warm front us gonna collide here, squeezing out some drizzle. And finally, in district twelve a cold pressure systems gonna swoop on in, bringing cooler temperatures to our coal minors out there, at least until early evening."

"He's so annoying" Vipsania grumbles after Lucky finishes off the weather. "Where are all of the tributes? I don't want sit around and do nothing this whole time."

I just roll my eyes and try to tune her out. It hasn't been that long since all of the action started to die down. The tributes from twelve have taken up a lot of the screen time, along with Corals pack. Who are now roaming the halls, presumably until they find new prey, or until Lucy exits her hiding spot.

I don't mind it calming down for a bit, I feel as though I can regulate my heart now, and _____ has time to rest. Well rest as much as she can, when she has to constantly watch out for her life. She is now just wandering the halls alongside Tanner, who has been fairly chatty whenever the cameras facing them are turned on. She hasn't said much to him, but has acknowledged that he is speaking to her. 

I remember the words she repeated, she always said she wasn't looking to make any friends. That explains her lack of speaking, but I know it is more than that. I wish the camera would stay on her for long, so I can analyze what kind of state she is currently in. But with not much happening, the cameras change often.

The camera rests on the duo from four, as the walk through the opposite section of the halls, away from _____ and Tanner. They sound like they are arguing when I chose to listen in again. "We can't just betray them so early on! They are our frie- our allies. We can't just attack them now." Mizzen argues towards Coral.

She lets out a huff, before telling him "Well we have to ditch them at some point. You couldn't have expected we'd be a little group of friends who go around hand in hand, singing little songs. If you wanted that you should have teamed up with the songbird. This is life or death Mizzen, and I know you care about that bitch _____, but I won't let her kill you."

"She won't kill me. Maybe she would leave me, but not kill." Mizzen says nervously. I can see he starts to fidget with the net in his hands, careful to not pick at the spikes. He is constantly looking around as he speaks, and with only his district partner around he is visibly antsy. "What was the point of teaming up with them if you are just going to plan out their deaths so soon?"

I can tell Coral is getting frustrated, but upon seeing the nervous boys state, she softens her face. "Hey I know this is hard, but I am not killing them early on. I am just trying to prepare you for when I have too. And we all teamed up because there is more power in numbers. And with how capable we all are, we should be done with these games soon."

"What about when it's just us?" Mizzen asks. I can see the redhead stop in her tracks, I am curious of what her answer to that is. The boy is smarter than she thought, and it is evident on her tense face.  

I can see Festus from the corner of my eye leaning closer to the screen. Clearly curious about her answer as well. She opens her mouth and the sound of movement from a nearby door shuts her up. Her face looks angry, as she holds up her Trident, ready to attack whatever tribute is daring to make themselves known. 

She opens he door, and a rats runs out, and she slams the door and kicks it before walking away. Mizzen looks sad, but follows her after a second of standing there alone. The two of them are silent after that.

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