Chapter 8

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"You're insufferable really, You have no class at all" Treech scolds me, as he forces me to put medicated cream on my burns once again.

"Damn I'm sorry. In the districts having a stick up you ass isn't required" I tell him as I scoop out some cream with my fingers. 

"I don't have a stick up my ass!" Treech says defensively "Wouldn't you have one? since you work with wood"

I starts to rub some of the cream on my bicep and say "You have a good point there. But I meant that in I am not uptight kind of way. Since you are so picky with how I treat these things."

"Well there is a right and wrong way to do it. And getting the dirt that is under your nails onto your burns, isn't going to help it." he tells me. "Come here let me do it"

He reaches out his hand and I move my arm. He is less hesitant now than he was a couple of days ago, when these visits started. Every day since the arena blew up he has been on top of getting these burns to heal. Claiming it'll help me move better when I am in the arena. 

The second the cream hits my arm I feel a chill spread on my skin, causing goosebumps to form, but the cream wasn't what caused it. It was the cold hands that are applying it. "How is the cut on your face?" Treech asks me, while gently coating my arm with the medicine.

"It's fine now, and I mean it this time." I tell him.

He glances at my cheek then my eyes and says "I guess you are right, and not lying about it for once. It has an actual scab on it now". Oh yeah another about these visits is I am reluctant to admit that these very minor injuries sting like a bitch. So when he first showed up I told him I was fine and that I will heal the old fashioned way. And he responded by telling me I would die from an infection, and that he would laugh at my foolishness.

"Okay, you're all set" He says while removing his hand from my arm, and putting the container in his bag.

"Thanks" I mutter as I pull down my sleeve. I don't need a sun burn on top of these burns. "So what does Mr. Fancypants have on his schedule today?"

"Don't call me that, and why do you care?" he asks with a weird look on his face.

I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, I am just bored I guess"

"Oh am I too boring for you?" he asks me like I was referring to him when I declared my boredom.

"Yes" say in a deadpan voice, before flashing an annoying smile.

He rolls his eyes before speaking "Well not that it is any of your business, but I have a literature class to attend, then I was planning on coming here afterwards"

"Damn you really can't resist me" I saw with a smirk.

"As if, maybe I just don't want you to starve" He remarks. "Anyways I need to go, so I don't miss class. I'll see you later"

He walks away, and in the far off distance I can see him glance back towards me, before carrying on his descent. I can't help, but think of how not awful he was today. It was kinda nice having someone to talk too. I know he has everything to gain if I win, so that is probably why he isn't being a jerk today. But it's nice pretending that I a have a friend here. One that I won't have to kill.

"Oh good your lover boy is finally gone" Coral says right behind me.

"Eww he's not my lover." I say to her with (fake) disgust.

"Yeah whatever." she mumbles while sitting on the ground with her back to the fence. She looks at me and pats the spot next to her. I comply to what she is implying, and I sit down as well. We sit in tense silence together for a couple minutes before Coral speaks up again "You aren't as talkative as Mizzen said you would be"

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