Chapter 14

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After my fight with Vipsania, I just sat right back in my chair. I was lucky that all of the other mentors had already left, by the time Vipsania approached me. I don't like the thought of people seeing me lose my cool. But Coriolanus did see, and choose not to say a word. Which is smart on his part.

I don't feel like going home, and leaving _____ without someone to watch over her. Yes, I know there isn't much I can really do for her, but I feel more comfortable knowing that I can see her. A small part of me hopes that she knows that I am watching, and that I have her back through this all.

I wish to avoid my parents as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Vipsania told her father about the argument, and the word got to my father. It's not like he would care to defend me, he just wants the fame from the Sickle family. But that doesn't matter right now. 

It's fairly quiet here, with it just being me and Snow in the viewing room. He clearly cares about his tribute, because he hasn't made any move to leave. I get a bad feeling from the way he has talked about her, from the few times I have heard him. I just get the feeling that something fishy is happening over there.

Coriolanus has always been an odd person. Not in the judgemental way I am used to viewing other as, but there is just something off about him. I just can't place my finger on it. 

"Mr. Snow, an Mr. Duchannes." a voice says. I look to my right to see Dr. Gual standing there, with a stern expression on her face. I straighten my posture, and I sense that something bad has happened.

"What happened? Is it Lucy Gray?" Snow frantically asks.

"Unless you two boys can put a leash on your deluded classmate, she might as well be dead as far as your concerned. Your girl too Treech." She tells us. 

"Sejanus?" I ask.

"Bread crumbs. I believe a sustenance for a fallen comrade  on his final journey. A district two superstition. I'll work on finding the peacekeeper he bribed to get him in, and cut out their tongue." shes says with anger. "In the meantime, I need some to get him out right now."

"You should send peacekeepers in." Snow tells her, and I almost want to smack him for his answer. If she was going to send peacekeepers she would have. She obviously wants to keep this quiet.

"Only to have him bolt and hide like a rabbit? Felix Ravinstill is fighting for his life in the hospital, Mr. Snow. I will not have these rebels make a further mockery of my games. Anyone sees us lose control of this arena, it might as well be sounding the horn to the districts to revolt. You two chose to be friends with this radical." She tells us, and I wouldn't call the three of us friends.

"You want him to end the games tonight?" Snow asks. 

He has a point there, but I want these games to cease to exist, but I wouldn't risk _____'s life to do that. But I do have to say "It'll look as lot worse if the tributes kill three of us."

"So don't let them." she orders. I feel a chill down my spine, and it truly sets in how crazy this woman is. I don't say any further words, but I get up and walk out. I hear over my shoulder Gaul whispering something to Coriolanus, which seems suspicious. 

I get into the car provided for us, and Snow sits next to me not long after. I just want to get this over with, so I can go back to watching the feed. I doubt any tributes will go after us, but I can't be so sure. With how they reacted when me, and Snow ended up in their truck when we first met them, they don't seem like they would overthink going after us.

I can feel my knee start to bounce, as my nerves creep in on me. If I feel this nervous, and I don't even have to stay, I wonder how all of the tributes are feeling. Do the nerves go away? Or do they stay there as a constant reminder of yout impending doom?

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