Chapter 9

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Once again I stand with my family for the funeral of my classmates. This time for the Ring twins. It's quite tragic that they are now deceased, but at least they won't suffer the pains of living a life without their other half. I know it's a twisted way to view situations like these, but it helps me with keeping my composure, and not having too drastic of a reaction. Like Miss Livia loudly sobbing on the other side of the funeral. 

I feel tense as I stand next to my father. After everything that happened yesterday I wish to be away from him. He keeps looking at me like some kind of possession, one that he has just auctioned off for a high price. One might say he just looks proud, but I know better than that. I can tell by my moms hung over state that she knows it too.

I am guided out if my thoughts when a recording of Coriolanus's previous funeral performance is played. Filling the air like ear poison. I would honestly cover my ears to prevent me from hearing such nonsense, but a new arrival distracts me from it.

I see at the end of the isle two horses, along with the truck carrying the tributes. I see no crane in sight, but with the addition of the horses I see why that is. On the backs of those horses I see two kids draped upon them. They look lifeless, and drained of blood. I feel disgust filling my systems, and not towards the tributes. But towards their fate.

I look out for _____, to see if I can get a glimpse of her. I only see the top of her hat in the truck, with her elbows to her knees, presumably staring towards the ground. I see the boy from four sitting closely next to her, also avoiding looking at people. So much for not making friends.

I am ready for this damn funeral to be over. I know it's terrible to think that considering I was once friends with the twins, but parading dead bodies that were once district citizens is no way to honor their passing. They were sweet people, Diana more so, and they wouldn't have wanted this.

After the service is over there will be interviews held between the mentors and the tributes. These aren't mandatory, but I wish to speak to _____, so I will attend. These ones will be longer, with them giving us extra time to discuss whatever details we missed about the tributes from the previously meeting, and to discuss the up coming live television interviews. I will be sure to bring these things up with her, but they aren't a current priority. 

The funeral concludes when the truck, and horses leave. That is when I see two more tributes being dragged from the back of the truck. I feel that disgust creeping in again, with a mixture of nausea due to their blood crusted faces, and torn skin.

I quickly look away, and see my mom looking green. She doesn't do well with blood, and one could only assume she is hungover. I feel sadness towards my mom, and her pain. Luckily Mrs. Price goes, and checks up on her, and I use the distraction to slip away. There wasn't anything I could do to help her. 

I get outside and see the cars for mentors waiting for us. I walk into the vehicle, and wait for whoever decides to join me. Not long after me comes Persephone, and Festus. I almost want to laugh at the fact that we are sharing a car again, but I feel no humor right now. I will say though, as annoying as the two can be, they really are made for each other. In a good way.

With me having a window seat, I am able to exit the car quickly, and enter the hall where the tributes are being held. I walk in and my eyes very quickly spot the girl they were searching for. I make my way to the golden 7 chair. Before approaching I subconsciously fix my, and flatten my jacket before walking her way.

I sit down and immediately notice how tense she is. I feel no urge to make a snarky comment like I normally would. I see her fiddling with her hands, and notice the red marks around her wrists. It clicks in my head that this must be adding to her discomfort, so I stand up, and make my way to the nearest peacekeeper.

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