Chapter 4

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Immediately upon leaving the classroom I had decided to start writing the proposal from Dr. Gaul. I have had many ideas flow through my mind, and thought it would be a good way to pass the time on my I walk to the zoo. 

The fresh air, and the exercising of my brain has been a good way to get the interaction with _____ out of my mind. It's like each line I write on the paper is a sentence of her's blocked from my brain. I know I may be walking to her currently, but it's only out of necessity. I may not like her at all, but she has to eat. So bringing her lunch after we have hopefully both calmed down seems like the only reasonable idea.

I was lucky that Vipsania decided to have lunch with Livia, and Apollo. Because now I can have my walk there in peace, and ponder new ideas. I have already come up with having drones that you could use to send the tributes food from outside of the arena, and a few more small things. That was pretty easy to come up with considering that currently I am delivering food. Normally I would have someone from my families staff do it, but today some of the mentors will be at the zoo, and I want to look as if I care.

As I near closer to my destination I can see many academy students already there, dressed in their obnoxiously red uniforms. I see something out of the ordinary once I get closer to the enclosure. I spot a certain girl with a hat juggling with what looks like walnuts, gaining the attention of Capitol children. 

This pleases the children's parents, and they gift the girl food in return for her little show. She removes her hat and holds it out for them to place the food in, and does a slight bow in gratitude. Once they have walked away she brings the food to her district partner. It surprises me that she does it considering I haven't seen the two interact at all. The kid starts crying and I assume thanks his older partner who brushes it off.

I am impressed by her willingness to perform. I guess she actually took my advice from yesterday and put on a show. With the capitols children liking her, maybe their parents will end up taking a liking to her too. This is actually great. I guess this won't be as hard as I had originally expected.

"_____" I call out to her. She turns around when she sees me, and lets out a huff. She places her hat back on her head, and walks in my direction. As soon as she got there she immediately snatched my paper out of my hands, and started reading it.

For some reason the action had made me feel a bit self conscious, since I know whatever ends up on that paper will effect her time in the arena. The only things I have jotted down so far is the betting system, the future drones, and a few other small things. But something about it makes her face shift into an unreadable expression. An grimace like almost, but not quite.

✧(pov switch)

What the hell is this boy writing? I mean drones, bets, and things that don't really make sense. Unless they are for the games in which I will be forced to participate in. This just makes my stomach drop. Are they seriously putting my fate, and the fate of others into the hands of the capitols so called smartest children? Also they are going to bet on us like we are dogs, that just feels so wrong. 

This bugs me a lot so when Treech yells "Hey you are getting dirt on my paper, give it back!" I don't hesitate to hand it back to him. He almost looks insecure for a second, but masks that with irritation. Weird.

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