Chapter 3

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Yesterday was an interesting start to the mentorship. I am not pleased with how our meeting went, but I really shouldn't have expected much from someone like her. I know better now, and won't make the same mistake of thinking better again.

Professor Highbottom, and Dr. Gaul were not very happy with mine and Snow's choice of visiting our tributes early. It was never made news to us that our first official meeting was scheduled to be today's questionnaire. And they were certainly not happy when I pointed out their lack of informing us. They let me off with a warning, but not before going on a rant about how much of a scandal I could've caused for my family. That sure shut me up.

I kept my word and sent one of the help yesterday with food for _____. I can't have her losing her strength. She'll need it when she is finally in  the arena, and that will give me a better chance at winning the Plinth Prize. I wouldn't want her ill on top of being District. Sick people make me think of poor people, and that just brings me back to the war. Gross.

Class has been fairly slow this morning. All we have talked about is today's agenda for the mentors, and ways we can cause people to watch and engage with the hungers games. Festus made the interesting point of starting a betting system, and I have to admit that even though he can be quite the idiot, his suggestion was fairly good. I can't help but think of a few ideas of my own, that I intend on sharing when the time is right.

"So how did it go yesterday with your tribute? I saw you on TV with her, and felt horrible that you were so close to someone who's district." Vipsania says to me as all the mentors make there way to the hall where we will conduct questionnaires with our tributes.

"Well I can't say I enjoyed it" I say to her as she links her arm with mine "She was rude, and very disrespectful to me. Not very shocking given the circumstance, but still unpleasant. I fear for what this project may put me through"

She gently rubs her hand along my upper arm "Oh you poor thing. She sounds like a real nuisance, and I hope she gets what she deserves. But whatever happens to you, I know you'll come out on top. You always do"

"I do always come out on top. I can endure through this, because once it's done the whole world will be in my hand. I can go on whatever path I want, and being crowned winner of the Plinth Prize will make me wanted at every prestigious university in Panem, and more" I say with confidence as I think of all of the possibilities I'll have once I am done with this last project.

Vipsania lets out a little giggle which makes me send her a curious look. She waves it off and says "Oh they will all want a piece of you. What if you become the president of Panem? Imagine how formidable you will be then. With me as your first lady we will be such a high powered couple"

"I hadn't thought about becoming president" I say to her honestly. It's truly an interesting concept, and very achievable for me. I would be carrying on the Duchannes legacy of holding places of high power, and respect. I really will have to consider that, as I make my way up the food chain. Metaphorical foot chain, I won't be a cannibal like the Price family.

Once we reach the doors that contain our tributes on the other side of, Vipsania sends me a smile and releases my arm. Peacekeepers open the doors and all of the mentors flood into the room, and find where their respective seat is. It doesn't take me long to find with it being embellished with a big gold D7G, on the back of it representing my tribute.

Also because a very bitter looking girl sat on the opposite side of the table. I take notice to the chains adorned to the table that are wrapped around her wrists. Something that surely emphasizes her obvious discomfort. I don't know whether to feel pity for the girl, or to feel more comfortable over the fact that we won't have any unnecessary physical contact.

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