Final chapter

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I awake in a bundle of warm sheets. I stretch out my hand to find the other side of my bed to be empty. I rub my eyes, and look around to see no one else is in here. I groan while I sit up, disappointed from the lack of company.

I swing my legs off my bed, and stretch out my stiff muscles. I stand up, and walk out of my room only to smell the sweet scent of cookies filling the air. I feel intrigued, so I slowly walk out to see the most beautiful sight there is to see. I see my darling. 

I stand and watch her for a moment. Still as mesmerized by her beauty as I was when I was younger. She seems so peaceful, so content. She is magnificent. I slowly start to creep up on her, to see if I can surprise her. But she just turns around and says "You can't sneak up on me. It doesn't work like that."

"Damn" I groan.

"It was a nice try though. Not your fault I can sense when someone enters the room" she says with an amused voice. 

She turns around and goes back to what she was doing. I go and wrap my arms around her, with my chest to her back. And I rest my head on her shoulder to watch. "They look nice" I say to her. Referring to her cookies.

"Thanks. They were your moms recipe." she says.

Last year before my mom passed she sent over her famous cookie recipe knowing that I loved them so much. She knew she didn't have much time left, so she sent them to me with the hopes of keeping them alive. It was a bittersweet moment for me. I'll miss my mom forever, but I am happy that she is no longer in pain.

I was lucky to have _____ by my side through that rough period. Since she knows the pain grief brings. But I was able to recover fairly fast, since I had made peace with never seeing her again before I had even left the capitol.

"Want one honey?" she whispers. She looks over her shoulder at me with care. She knows my moms death hurt me even though she has been gone for long time. It doesn't bother me much anymore these days. But appreciate the care.

I nod my head, and she goes to grab one but I turn her around to face me instead. "Hi" I whisper.

"Hi" she whispers back. Then I pull her towards me, and give her a passionate, and loving kiss on the lips. Which makes her smile. "Where did that come from?" she ask me when I pull away.

I just shrug my shoulders and say "I just wanted to show my wife that I love her".

She blushes, and pulls me closer so she can hug me. "Well I love you too" she mumbles against my neck. She pulls away, and say "Lets eats some of these while they are still warm."

She grabs my hand, and a small plate of cookies then drags me to sit down with her on the couch. We snuggle close to her, and enjoy the cookies in a peaceful silence. I have my arm around her, and she rests her head on my shoulder. With my head on hers.

After a couple minutes of silence "Don't you think it's funny how far we have both come?" she asks.

I say "Yes. It is quite funny if you know the full story." 

"Funny with a bit of tragedy mixed in. I mean cause I hated you when I first saw you. I thought you looked really stupid in the red uniform you wore." she tells me.

"Ouch, that's a little harsh there." I say while putting a hand on my heart.

"Oh shush. You hated me too. But I was only bringing it up because I could barley stand being near you then, now that is the only place I want to be. Time is a funny thing." she says.

"It is a funny thing. But I am grateful we both changed our mind on how we felt about each other. Life would have not been the same without you." I say to her.

"I can second that statement" she mutters.

After a bit more time I start to hear the soft snores of my beautiful wife. I look to see her passed out with her face buried into my shoulder. She looks so captivating when she is asleep. It's like all of the pains that have been forced upon her have vanished. Leaving behind the peaceful girl she once was.

I smile at her sleeping form, and have a memory from years ago pop into my head. When I was her mentor, and I had a dream awfully similar to this morning. I swore to myself that it meant nothing, and that I didn't like her. But boy was I wrong.

She changed me from the heartless boy I used to be. She was the warmth I so desperately needed in my life. She was truly the fire that melted my once frozen heart.

I am so unbelievably emotional right now. I can't believe after so long this is finally complete. Yes I did expect it to be down earlier, but still

I would like to personally thank everyone who decided to give this book a chance. If you were able to make it too the end I appreciate it. I thank you for the time you took to read this silly little story of mine. This book has been in my brain for so long, so it's feels good to have finally shared all of my creativity with the world.

The idea came to me in February after seeing a fan art of Lucy Gray in a mentors uniform, and I thought how I could make Capitol Treech story. Then I saw another writer who I enjoy had a similar idea to me. So I asked for her permission, then got to work.

I am truly going to miss Capitol Treech. I have grown so attached to him, that it is hard to say goodbye. I truly enjoyed writing him, and sharing his character development with you guys.

Thank you guys for every read, vote, and comment that you shared. And thank you for the bond I have made through my writing, and others.

I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed melting of a frozen heart  ♥︎ good bye lovelies


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