Chapter 6

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To say Vipsania is mad at me would be an understatement. Through out the rest of the day she has ignored my existence, despite the fact that we sit next to each other for the bulk of our classes. I am not bothered by her newfound mutism. It hasn't been terrible actually having the opportunity to listen to the professors lectures without interruption. 

Another reason being that her insulting _____ didn't sit right with me. I understand why she would, _____ can be quite aggravating to be around. But I feel as though only me insulting her is justified. She is MY tribute after all, so only I get to complain about her. Yeah that seems like a reasonable enough reason to be bothered by it.

With all that being said I wasn't startled when Vipsania didn't even look my way, as I walked out of the academy's doors. Livia, and Apollo sent me strange looks, but I didn't care enough to indulge in their curiosity's. 

Without Vipsania getting in my way I was able to get into my families car on time. "Hello Vincent" I greet my driver.

"Good afternoon sir" he replies while putting the car into drive, and taking off. "Your father will be home from work when you get home, and you and your family will all be dining together this evening at 6:00."

My body tenses at his words. I don't see much of my father with him always being occupied at work, or at business dinners with my grandfather. My father isn't the most pleasant man to be around, it takes a lot of work to please him. You would have to jump through numerous hoops just to catch his eye.

That is where I got my ambition, and desire to always achieve better than before. I got it from my father. My grandfather was always a very powerful man, so my father worked his way to the top through out his life, and now the two of them often work together. Eventually I will rise too, an then maybe I'll be worth something to him.

I can't remember a time where he wasn't this way. I remember before the war my mom used to arrange dinner for us every evening, and we would all dine together. She would ask my father what he wanted that morning, and it would ready for him by the time he got home. I was in the middle of telling my parents about how I was the top performer in my foreign language class,  hoping that this might interest my father.

All he did was order me to shut my mouth, because he wished I would speak less. He then proceeded to lecture my mom on how she got his order incorrect, and how that wasn't an acceptable thing to do. He didn't speak to her for a month after that.

"You okay back there sir? You have been silent" Vincent asks me with concern. 

I gulp "Um yeah I am fine. Just curious how my father managed to escape work, and why he is choosing to spend it with me and my mom" I answered.

"I understand. It is always a surprise to hear the famous Quillon Duchannes is putting up his briefcase, so he can be around his family." Vincent states with displeasure.

I don't say anything else to that, and just stare outside the window watching the people pass by. It isn't long until we reach an excessively tall building, and I feel my body tense once again. I slowly grab my bag, and reach for the door. Then swiftly exit the vehicle.

I make my way through the front doors of building, and enter the lavishly decorated lobby. The architecture that is supported by many accents of gold, and black. In the elevator each button has a ring of diamonds that wrap around it. I press the button that will bring you to the top floor, where I reside, and I see a slight gloss on it due to the cold sweat that coats my hands.

I observe the patterns encrusted in the marble floor, a beautiful granite with gold swirls swimming around it. I continue to stare until I feel the elevator come to a stop, and the doors before me begin to open. I straighten out my spine, and rid my face of any expression as I brace myself for whatever could be waiting on the other side of that door.

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