Chapter 22

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I didn't edit his chapter, so feel free to point out any mistakes. -V

Why the fuck is he here? Is all I can think about when I stomp to my room. I can't believe he would do something so ridiculous like that. What does he mean by "I live here now"? If he is saying he left the capitol to live here I would call him an idiot again. 

He won. He got his prize, an his bitch. Sorry his "girl". So why would he come he? He is used to rich people shit. There isn't any part of seven that is fancy, or lavish like he would be used too. It's like jumping into deeps water and not knowing how to swim. He's just gonna drown. Then someone will have to step in and save him.

Once I get to my room, I slam the door before sitting on my bed. I let out angry huff, and lean so my back is on my bed with my feet still on the floor. I keep thinking over, and over again why he would be here. 

My brain decides to bring e back to that last night at the zoo. Him being a complete mess, begging for me to win. All while telling me he cares, and wishes to see me again. He seems so genuine, so vulnerable, so open. Maybe it was all the truth, maybe he really does care. 

But I can't shake my anger towards him. I'm mad. I don't like that he would do something so stupid. He had such  successful life ahead of him. Even if it's a stupid life to me, it was normal for him. It was his future, and now it's in the trash since he is here.

"Ugh" I groan aloud. Why is he being so stupid? Whatever it is that he is here for is not worth it. Not in the slightest. Anything that would useful to a guy like him would be in the capitol. And with the future he would have, it wouldn't hurt him to spend a few.

What does district seven have that the capitol doesn't? Somewhere deep down inside me knows the answer to that question. But being mad at him is easier than admitting that to myself. So for now I'll just be mad at him for being here.

✧ (pov switch)

I wish for this work day to be over. Everything is quite boring today. No interesting gossip, the other district only have odd weather, and I haven't even seen any red sealed announcements. Ivory keeps sending me weird looks every time I give her a stack of uninteresting news. She looks at me like it's my fault the world decided to be dull today.

But that doesn't matter. I have more pressing matters to handle. I need to find _____, and try talking to her again. I got too flustered yesterday, and lost my words. There was so much more I could have said, but I was blinded by her presence. I lost my train of though the second I saw her again. My head had rid itself of any coherent thought, and replaced it with her.

I wonder what she is thinking now. I wish to know the extent of her anger, and if there is anything I can do to soothe it, and not further provoke her. But I'm not sure if there is anything I could do to help her now. 

I know it will take time, but I just miss her. And there isn't really anything else I can add to that.

"Still nothing interesting?" Calamine asks, breaking my thought bubble.

"Yeah. The most interesting thing to have happened are the waves in district four, and that isn't exactly new or interesting." I tell her with a bored tone, while rubbing my face with my hand.

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