Chapter 17

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Once the tank is full lowered all of the tributes just stare. Curiosity and fear has gotten the better of us. I feel uneasy at the sight of it. I know it can't be good if it has something to do with the capitol. Especially with those drones, I remember what happened last time.

"Is  it over?" I hear a youthful voice say through sniffles. I look over to see Wovey walking towards the tank. I feel nervous for her, as she gets closer. "Can we go home now?"

"Wovey." Reaper gently yells. "Wovey!

"Wovey!" Mizzen yells, with his voice showing the fear of a little boy.

"Wovey." Lucy Gray yells.

"Wovey don't go to it!" I yell to her, in hopes of stopping her.

"Please." she cries, and I feel my heart twitch from the pain in her voice.

"Wovey!" Reaper yells again. And we all keep yelling her name as she gets closer, ad closer to the huge tank. 

I see it start to crack, and my heart quickens. I subconsciously start to slowly walk to a beam, away from the tank. It cracks more, and Mizzen follows me. It doesn't take long for the whole tank to shatter, and a rainbow of death engulfs Wovey. I hear her screams fill the arena, and the sound of hissing covers it.

I don't hesitate for even a second before taking off running towards the nearest pile of rocks, or beam that I can climb. I see the rainbow start to spread, and get louder and that is when I come to the realization that they sent a fucking tank full of snakes. I get frustrated at the thought, but I don't have the time to feel mad. I am too busy running for my life.

I hear a thud behind me, followed by the blood curdling screams of a boy. As I am running I turn my head slightly back to see the snakes wrapping themselves around Mizzen, and him panicking. He tries to wiggle out of their grasps, but the struggle is too much for him. He looks at me and reaches out his hand, before he becomes hidden and his screams cease to make noise. 

I feel distraught at the sight of him dying, but I just look forward and continue on running. I quickly get to a rock, an start climbing. The hissing is getting louder, but that doesn't stop me. I climb faster than I ever have before, and I don't stop even for a second. I climb until there isn't anywhere else to climb. I am at the top, and the top isn't that stable either.

I get to see the last moments of reaper. He doesn't make a sound, as he lets the snakes consume him. I didn't see much of him during the games, but I didn't expect him to do nothing. He seemed like he had a motive to go home. Seeing Lucy Gray struggle up the rocks makes me question my own motive for half a second.

My adrenaline is running high, and I start to notice how unsteady I feel. The snakes are getting closer, and I have no where I can go. I'm starting to feel hopeless. Knowing that death is walking towards me, with his hand extended in my direction. Inviting me to take it, and walk away from this world along side him. I'm afraid that if I don't take his hand, he'll grab mine anyways.

Lucy gets up the rocks by crawling backwards, still facing the snakes. She starts singing, and I have to resit the urge to tell her to shut it, and that she'll just piss off the snakes. But I bite my tongue. Hopefully the snakes won't do the same.

I notice that here melodies are calming the snakes, making them slow down. "When I've emptied my cup. When I've worn out my friends. When I've burned out both ends.When I've cried all my tears. When I've conquered my fears. Right here in the old there before" she sings. I find her words to be odd, but despite my dislike of her random song break, I mentally encourage her to continue.

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