Chapter 26

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Sun light peaking through the window wakes me up from my slumber. I look around to see I am not in my room. I remember my confession, and how positive it turned out to be. I see Treech still passed out next to me. The light streaming onto his face, highlighting the different features.

I reach out and brush the hair from his eyes, and he starts to stir awake. He slowly opens his eyes, and blinks a bit to get them adjusted. His eyes land on me, and a calm smile makes it's way onto his face.

"Hi Treech" I whisper to him softly. "Good morning"

"Good morning sweetie" he says to me. His voice still rough due to him just waking up.

I lean down and give him a short kiss on the lips (I can get used to this). "I have to go now. We both still have work today"

He groans in protest, but eventually says "Okay I guess. I would rather just stay here with you."

I smile brightly at those words. "Me too, but we have jobs to do. And they surely won't do themselves" I say before reluctantly getting up. I go over to grab my shoes, and sit on the floor to lace them up.

Once I am done I stand to see Treech sitting up in his bed, watching me intently. "You know it's rude to stare" he mumbles.

"Coming from you" I laugh. "Weren't you the one staring at me as I tied my shoes?"

He looks away with a grin and says "Maybe"

"Dork" I retort. 

"Rude" he states. He reaches out his hands to pull me closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist, and rests his head against my chest to hug me. I wrap my arms around him, and hug him back. "I'm happy that I got to meet you." He whispers.

"I'm happy for that too" I whisper back. I place a kiss on his forehead, and start to pull away. "I have to go now love."

"Okay. I'll see you later" He says.

"Bye" I say. I open the door, and creep out. After I shut it I quietly walk away, and down the stairs. Lucky for me no one else is there, so I can easily just walk out the door. Once I was fully out I was able to walk home happily, with a pep in my step.

Everything seems to be brighter today. The trees seem to be a brighter shade of green, the people I passed seemed perkier, and the stream by my house even seemed more excited. It's like the world near me decided to match my mood, since I feel happy right now. 

"Well you sure seem happy" a voice says when I walk into my house.

"What do you want Flint?" I ask.

"Just curious as to where you were all night. That's all" he says with a smirk.

"Well that's none of your business" I tell him.

"Oh but it is" he retorts. "Does your disappearance have anything to do with your little friend Treech?"

I feel my face redden, "Maybe. Maybe not" I say slowly.

My brother just smiles and laughs. "Well whatever this is, just know if he hurts you I'll kick his ass. But I'm happy for you sis"

"I think I can handle myself just fine, but thanks Flints" I say.

✧ (pov switch)

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