Chapter 24

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"You seem different lately" Lamina tells me softly, as we walk together to the market. "Not in a bad way, but I can see a subtle shift in your demeanor"

"What do you mean Mina?" I ask her.

"Well you don't seem as... sad I guess." she tells me carefully. Like she is thinking very hard before she says anything. "You have been so down lately, but you seem slightly different. I don't know how to explain, but you just don't seem as sad as before"

"Hmm" I hum. I try thinking about what she means, since she can't see what goes on in my head. What has happened that would have changed my demeanor? "Oh yeah. It might be because I took your advice, and talked to Treech" I tell her.

"Oh, I see" she says with a cheeky smile. "You and a boy" she giggles.

"What do you mean? And why are you giggling?" I ask her. I just know I have a weird look on my face because she only starts laughing more. 

"Oh you are so blind" she says. I stop walking for a second to look at her, but she just winks and continues walking. 

"Lamina wait up!" I say before jogging to catch up with her. "Why'd you wink?"

"Well lets just say that I think you must really like that boy. Don't worry it's sweet. It could be good for you to have a connection like that." she tells me like it's the most simple thing she has ever said.

"Lamina. Are you implying that I like Treech? As in like like him" I ask her slowly.

"Yes. Yes I am." she tells me, and I start shaking my head no. "Oh it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. Maybe you need a little love in your life. Do you remember how upset you were with him when he was engaged? You said you felt a weird sense of anger. You said you were je-

"Jealous. I said I was jealous because I felt jealous of her being with him. That doesn't mean I want to be with him. That's different" I try explaining to her.

"Is it really? Why would you be jealous of her if you didn't want to be the one he wants? What you are saying just isn't adding up." she tells me.

"Lamina I'm gonna say this with love, but that's just a bunch of fairy tale shit. I just don't like the two of them together because she is a bitch, and he is becoming a good person. She would just hold him back." I try reasoning with her. Even though we all know who I am trying to reason with.

"Well it may be fairy tale shit, your words not mine, but it's what is happening here. You are falling for him whether you like it or not. And you can get mad at me if you want, but you can't convince me otherwise. Deal with it." she says to me.

I let out a slight huff knowing there is no point in arguing with Lamina. Even if she is there is a chance that she is right, I'll never admit that to myself. We are just friends. Nothing more, and nothing less. I just like his presence.

"We're here" Lamina says when we get to the entrance of the market.

I look at see bustling market, full of curious people. I feel a ghost of a smile on my face seeing all of the people. It's truly the most lively part of the district, and where you will see people just being people. The peacekeepers tend to ignore the life going on in the market, since it's usually harmless. And because each vendor gets approved by our mayor before setting up shop.

I find myself gravitating towards the area full of people. We don't have very much money here in district seven, but we sure know how to take care of each other. "Come on _____! I need to see what fruits Maggie has today!" Lamina whines while grabbing my hand, and dragging me to Maggie's booth.

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