The Move

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Rose: GIRL!! WAKE UP!! were gonna miss the plane!!!!

Athena: Uuuugggghhhhhhhh, Rose shut up, let me sleep.

Rose: *walks over to Athena and grabs her hand and jerks her out of bed*

Athena: *crashes on the floor* OW!! WHAT THE FUCK!?

Rose: If you dont get up, get dressed and out the door with me in 30 minutes were missing our plane and I'm beating your ass

Athena: Fine.

Athena POV: Hey, My name is Athena Jackson, That's my best friend, Rose Blanchard. We're moving to Las Vegas Nevada. We hate Idaho weather, Its to cold so were going somewhere warm. I pull myself off the floor and go into the bathroom and change into a pair of black shorts, a T-shirt, and my usual black and white sneakers. I put on some mascara and lip gloss, I decide to save the real makeup for tomorrow night. I walk out of the bathroom and find Rose in black ripped jeans and a dark pink tank top with a peace sign on it and black shoes. I grab my stuff and we get in Kennys car. Kenny is my child hood friend who I moved away from a few years ago, He drove to Idaho to take us to the airport.

Athena: Thanks again Kenny *hugs Kenny*

Kenny* hugs Athena* Your welcome. Have fun in Vegas hoe

Athena: Ok asshole.

We hugged one more time and me and rose got on the plane to Vegas. Not long after we were in Vegas, Our new home and we were excited.

Rose: OMG!!! Look how beautiful this place is!

Athena: I know right!!!! Its so open and light!

Rose: And the best part is the black out blinds, and the HUGE rooms

Athena: For sure

Rose: Ok I'm gonna go unpack my things, See you later for dinner?

Athena: Yea I'm gonna do the same, Text me when your ready to get something to eat

Rose: Ok

Rose and I disappeared into our rooms to begin unpacking our things. I began to play some music and started to unpack. It took me a while to unpack my stuff but I finally got it all unpacked, Well, Except for some clothes. I need a bigger closet or a dresser, a lot of my clothes don't fit in the one I have in my room so now half of my clothes are in boxes in a corner. Great.

Rose: Hey, you done unpacking?

Athena:*sigh* Yea. I need to get a dresser though. Half of my clothes are still in boxes because they don't fit in the closet

Rose: Lol. I have the same problem

Athena: Lol, Sooo, what's for dinner?

Rose: I think I saw a pizza place down the street

Athena: Ok cool, Let me grab my shoes

Rose: Alright I'll meet you at the door

Athena: Ok

We walked down to the pizza place to get something to eat and go back to our apartment. We passed an ally way on the way there and on the way back, On the way back though something didn't sit right with me about the ally way..

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