Come Back To Me

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I don't know how long its been since she slipped away.. I just know Im  not leaving until she comes back..

Nurse: Sir? Can I get you anything?

Ash: No.

Nurse: Mr. Ash.. You haven't ate or drank anything for weeks.. Please? Would Miss Jackson want you to do that?

I felt a guilt setting in.. Knowing Athena wouldn't want me to go weeks without eating or drinking but I can't leave her.... I can't lose her......

Ash: No... She wouldn't..

Nurse: Alright. Ill go get you something

Ash: Thanks..

I felt guilty.. Knowing Athena would be disappointed... But I didn't care.. Ace told me we have another mission coming up but I don't really care.. I cant leave her..... I wont leave her.


I woke to the sound of Ace having a very heated phone call in the other room. I weakly got up and stumbled down the hall to his office and quietly opened the door

Rose: Ace?..

Ace: Ash!! I know your worried but if we don't go kill those mother fuckers! Like the Mafia Bosses we are, THEY'LL KILL US! And they'll take Rose and Athena's Lives as well!! If you want I can send Rose or Lucy or both to watch over her for you but we are running out of time

I felt everything in me freeze. Ace and Ash are Mafias?.... I couldn't believe what I was hearing... I turned around to leave but was stopped

Ace: Flower?... What are you doing?..

I turned back around to find a worried look on his face

Rose: I - uh- I heard you yelling at someone and just came to see what was going on..

Ace: Shit...

Rose: How long were you gonna wait to tell us?...

Ace came over to me and pulled me into a hug

Ace: We were planning on tell you guys after we had been together a year... So today for us.. But with everything going on we decided to put it off.. Im so sorry..

I began to cry... Remembering the last time I encountered Mafias.... And how they almost killed me and Athena..

Ace: Im so fucking sorry Rose.......

I looked at him

Rose: Its ok.. I have my secrets to.. Me and Athena do..

Ace hugged me tighter..

Ace: You'll forgive me right?...

Rose: On one conditon

Ace: Anything

Rose: First, You give me a kiss. Second you make me your Mafia queen

Ace: What

Rose: I said  I have my secrets. One of them being me and Athena ran a gang together.

Ace looked shocked but impressed at the same time

Ace: Well

He walked towards me and pulled me into a kiss

Ace: If that's what you desire my love

Rose: Ok enough kisses. I don't wanna get you sick

Ace chuckled then picked me up bridal style

Ace: Alright Mrs. Mafia Queen. Back to bed

He carried me back into the bedroom and put me back on the bed

Rose: Breakfast

Ace: What

Rose: I want breakfast

Ace: What do you want

Rose: Pancakes

Ace: Alright then

About 20 minutes later Ace came back with my pancakes and some for himself and while we were eating we heard the door burst open downstairs. Ace looked at me and I looked at him and he quickly picked me up and ran down the hall to his office. He shut the door and ran over to the wall. He pulled a book on the bookshelf and the wall opened and he carried me inside and the wall closed. He then entered a pin onto a keypad on the other side and then began down a flight of stairs and into a safe room. He set me on the bed in the safe room and grabbed a gun out of the closet

Rose: Ace?... What's going on?...

Ace: The gang we've been chasing must've found us.

Ace pulled out his phone and put it to his ear. A few minutes later he spoke

Ace: Ash they found us. No were ok. Me and Rose are in the safe room in my office. Alright bye.

He hung up the phone and climbed onto the bed with me and pulled me close.

Ace: Were going to be ok we just have to wait for Ash ok?

Rose: Ok..

I'm not sure what happend after that.. All I know is I woke up back in Ace's bed. I got up and went down the hall to his office to find him doing some paper work with the door closed. I turned and went back down the hall into his room. I got back into the bed and started watching some TV. I must've fallen asleep again because Ace was saying my name and telling me to wake up

Ace: Rose, Baby wake up. We gotta go

Rose: Whats going on..

Ace: Ash says Athena went back into surgery

I shot up and got dressed and we rushed to the hospital. By the time we got there Athena had just gotten out of surgery

Ace: Whats going on Ash

Ash: The doctors said she quit breathing on her own... They said her lungs started filling with blood because the cut on her lung reopened.. Were lucky they caught it when they did.. 

Ace: Hey its ok. Shes alive right?

Ash: Yea...

I sat down because I started getting light headed

Nurse: Hey are you alright? You look really pale

Rose: Hm? Oh yea, Im alright just a bit sick

Nurse: Do you mind if I check you out? I don't like how pale you look

Rose: Sure

I followed the nurse down the hall and into a room and sat on the bench. She checked my blood pressure, Drew some blood, Ran a few tests, The usual. 

Nurse: Alright I'm gonna start an IV on you. Your really dehydrated and need some more fluids

Rose: Oh alright.

Nurse: Do you mind if we keep you over night?

Rose: I don't mind, My boyfriend might though

Nurse: Alright I'll go talk to him alright?

Rose: Ok

She left the room and I laid back feeling extremely tired yet again.

Ace: Rose? You alright?

I sat up

Rose: Yea the nurse just says I'm super dehydrated and wants to keep me over night.

Ace: Alright

The nurse took me down the hall and into a room next to Athenas

Nurse: I know shes your friend so I thought you might like to be here close to her

Rose: Yea, thank you

Nurse: Yep.

She left and I got onto the bed and got settled and eventually fell asleep

The Mafia Twins SecretWhere stories live. Discover now