His Flower

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I was curious as to why Ash and Athena left. I'm not sure what happend between them but Ash didn't look very happy with her

Rose: Ace

Ace: Yes flower?

Fuck Rose is gonna kill me for that tomorrow, But I cant resist her. Shes so, Small and beautiful. And her name fits her perfectly

Rose: Do you think Athena is  gonna be alright?

Ace: I don't know, what happend between them

Rose: Well, Athena said her and Ash kissed in the elevator and then had a make out session in the bathroom. And when I just walked in there like, 45 minutes ago, Her hair and makeup were an absolute mess and her dress was falling off her body on one side and was zipped down to her waist

Holy fuck Ash, What the hell did you do

Ace: Good hell, What did he do to her

Rose: Im not sure but I have an idea

Ace: Yea me to. Do you wanna go check on them?

Rose: Please?

Rose said giving me these puppy dog like but yet sexual look in her eyes

Fuck, fuck, fuck, Rose stop giving me those eyes

Ace: Alright, C'mon flower

We said goodbye to a few of my friends, got into the elevator, and left. When we got home I went to Ashes office and she went to Athena's room. When I got to Ashes office, I knocked on the door frame seeing as the door was open

Ace: Hey, You alright

Ash: I can't tell if Athena loves me or hates me

Ace: What happend?

Ash: I fucked her in the bathroom and told her it wasn't over and wed continue when we got back, But when we got back she ran into her room, shut the door and locked it

Ace: Was the sex good at least?

Ash: ACE!

Ace: What

Ash: *sigh*  Yea. She really knows how to keep quiet, I was surprised.

Ace: Nice

Ash: Yea i guess

Ace: Well

I went over and sat on the edge of his desk

Ace: I think after Rose is done talking to her, You should go talk to her

Ash: As if shes going to let me in

Ace: Come on, Off your ass

Ash: What

Ace: Get up

Ash: Uhh, Ok?

I made Ash follow me through the house until we got to Athena's room. I knocked on the door and a few moments later Rose opend

Rose: Hey Ace

Ace: Flower, Is Athena..

Rose: Yea

Rose leaned in closer to me, Oh fuck shes so close

Rose: She has a surprise waiting for Ash

She whispered into my ear

Ace: Well good thing hes right behind me

I whispered back. Then Rose pulled away from my ear

Rose: Yea. Athena, Hes here

Ace: Good luck Ash

Rose Stepped out of Athena's room and me and her left the hallway after Ash walked in and shut the door. Me and Rose went to my room and laid on my bed and decided to watch movies, Or so i thought.

Rose: Where do you find these

Ace: Honestly i have no idea

Rose: Hand me the popcorn

I reached to hand her the popcorn, but she stopped me

Ace: I thought you wanted the popcorn flower

Rose: I do

She said in probably the most seductive voice ive ever heard, I can feel myself getting horny, And then it got worse when she put her hand on my chest

Rose: But I want you more

That set me off, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her into me. We began making out and when I say it was amazing, I mean amazing. Her lips were so soft and the way she twisted her tongue around mine was driving me crazy. I tried to pull away to catch my breath but she pulled me back. What she did next I was not expecting

Not breaking the kiss she lifted herself off her side and straddled me. She placed her hands on each side of my head and I grabbed her ass. I'm not sure how long we made out, But that night, She fell asleep on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her

Rose: Night

Ace: Goodnight flower

I said then placed a kiss on the top of her head

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