Old Memories

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I was so excited to see Kenny again, I hadn't seen Kenny in about 2 months

Kenny: Sooo, How have you been hoe

Athena: I've been really good

Rose: Shes been more than "really good"

Athena: SHUT UP!!

Rose: Nah I'm good thanks

Kenny: This brings back memories 

Athena: Yea it does, Doesn't it?

Rose: Yea it really does

Athena: Reminds me of that time I almost whooped your ass

Rose: YOU, Almost whipped MY ass? Please! I'm the one who almost whipped YOUR ass

Athena: You liar! I made you see stars!

Rose: Did not!!

Kenny: If I remember correctly Athena, Rose had you pinned on the ground



I threw myself into Kenny and we began play fighting 

Kenny: Your going down bitch!!

I got Kenny in a headlock

Athena: Hell no asshole! Your the one going down!

Rose: Ay! I want in on this!!

Rose ran towards me and grabbed me around the waist and started trying to take me to the ground

Athena: Ah! Bitch!!

I let go of Kenny and spun around, I grabbed Rose around her waist and started trying to take her to the ground

Rose: Im gonna beat your ass

Athena: Not if i beat yours first!

Kenny: Hey you two want some beers

Me and Rose stopped and looked at Kenny

Athena: Beer?

Rose: What kind

Kenny: Mikes for you and Athena and a Bush Light for me

Me and Rose let go of each other and Kenny handed me and Rose our beers

Athena: I still don't get HOW you can drink that

Rose: Yea same

Athena: Fucking cheerleader beer

Kenny: Oh shut up, Your just jealous

Rose: Jealous of what exactly?

Kenny: ...

Athena: Exactly

Me, Kenny and Rose were all talking when I felt arms wrap around me

Ash: mmmm...

I turned to look at Ash

Athena: Are you ok?

Ash: No......

I stood up and Ash put his head on my shoulder and began leaning on me

Athena: Whats wrong baby?

I started rubbing his back

Ash: Headache...

I grabbed Ashes hand and turned back to Rose and Kenny

Athena: I'll be back in a bit

Rose: Ok

I turned back to Ash

Athena: C'mon baby

I lead Ash out of the kitchen, Up the stairs and down the hallway and into his bedroom

Athena: Lay down

Ash laid down like I had said and I laid down next to him. After I laid down next to Ash, He pulled me into his arms and started holding me really tight

Athena: Ash

Ash: Shhh

Athena: Ash, I cant breath

Ash: Sorry...

Ash loosed his grip on me a bit. Not long after, Ash fell asleep and so did i

I woke up a few hours later, But Ash was still asleep. I carefully moved out of Ashes grip and headed out to the hallway to Find Rose, Ace and  Kenny outside in the hallway

Athena: Uhhhh, What are you guys doing?

Rose: Well, We wanted to know if you wanted to go to the indoor shooting range with us

Athena: Do you-

Kenny: Yes we have it

I looked over to Rose

Rose: Its ok, Ace knows

Athena: Alright

I followed Rose, Kenny and Ace down to the Indoor gun range

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