Visitor At The Door

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 I woke to the sound of a heavy pounding on the door. I slowly pulled myself off the couch, I turned to look at the couch and found Rose dead asleep on the other end of the couch. I heard the heavy pounding once more

Athena: Alright, Alright Im coming.

Athena: *Opens door* Can I help you?

Karen: Hello. My name is Karen White, I live across the street. Are you new to this neighbor hood?

Athena: Yea I am, Athena Jackson.

Rose: Whats going on

Athena: This is our neighbor across the street

Karen: Hi, Karen White

Rose: Ah, Rose Blanchard, Nice to meet you

Karen:  Alright then! I will let you 2 lovely young ladies go, Bye!

Athena: Bye *shuts door*

Rose: You have GOT to be kidding me

Athena: A Karen neighbor

Rose: Were going to hell

Athena: You said it 

A few hours later I was sitting in my room when I heard rose screaming my name


I went running into our living room to find Rose standing by the window

Athena: what's going on

Rose: Get over here, You gotta see this

I walk over to the window and look out to see what rose is looking at

Athena: Omg...

Rose: I know right

Athena: Is she cutting her lawn, With scissors?

Rose: Yes!

Athena: What the hell is she doing!!

Rose: I don't know!!

We began hysterically laughing for about and hour about our neighbor, Karen White, Cutting her lawn with scissors. We laughed so hard we were crying and our sides hurt. It took us about 2 hours to finally stop laughing, Thats when we heart another knock at the door. I got up and walked over to the window and peeped out, And it was our neighbor across the street, Karen White

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