The Attempted Escape

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I opened my eyes to see Athena creeping across the room, I sit up and ask her

Rose: Athena what the hell are you doing

Athena: E....escaping...

She's still having a hard time speaking, but she can speak

Rose: Where the hell do you think your escaping to?

Athena: A...anyw....*Cough Cough* Anywhere

I pull myself out of the bed that was in the room and walk over to her, I look out the window and see the ground is a bit a of a long way down but I figured we could make a rope and slide down, I grabbed the sheets off the bed and began tying them together to create a makeshift rope. I threw it out the window, and we began to slide down. We finally reached the bottom and we began sneaking down the side of the house towards a Forrest behind the house, It looked like we were in the middle of nowhere once we made it outside. We were very careful not to make any noise. Once we reached the Forrest we began to run, to get as far away from the house as possible. Once we felt we were deep enough inside the Forrest we stopped to take a few breaths.

Rose: Are you its a good idea to be in a Forrest right now? At night?

Athena: N...Not s..sure

Rose: C'mon, Lets see if we can find a place to rest

Athena just nodded her head in agreement and followed me. We walked through the Forrest for quite a while before we found a place we thought was safe enough to stop and rest

Rose: Do you think this is alright? It's pretty grassy, and there's lots of trees. It should be easy to find a place to hide out for a  while

Athena: Yea *cough cough*

Rose: Alright

We began walking towards what looked like a grassy field filled with trees and flowers.

Hey guys! Authors note really quick: Now you might be asking, a Forrest? in the middle of Vegas? That makes no sense where did the Forrest come from, But you have to think, They aren't in Vegas anymore. They were kidnapped by a Mafia, and typically mafias want to be as far from civilization as possible. That's where the Forrest comes from. The Mafia house is in the middle of no where, Also I know this makes no sense, Im so sorry!! Anyway back to the story!

We went to the middle of the field, Which had trees all around it so we felt pretty safe. After settling down a little bit in the field. We quickly fell asleep, Not long after I awoke to shouting


Ace: ROSE!


Athena awoke to and she quietly shifted to look at me. I mouthed to her

Rose: "lets begin slowly moving away"

Before she could say anything we were both pulled off the ground


Rose: What the hell does it matter to you!! You kidnapped us!!

Athena nodded her head in agreement

Ash: Do you know how dangerous the Forrest is at night?!

Rose: How bad could it be!! were in VEGAS NEVADA!! Where its 100 Degrees Every. Damn. Day!!

Ash: Do you know how many other gangs and mafias stake out here at night trying to get us!? Just because its hot every fucking day and there's hardly any animals doesn't mean the Forrest is safe!

Rose: PUH-LEASE!! We would rather die here in the Forrest than be with you two, AFTER YOU KIDNAPPED US

Ace: Fucking Hell!! FINE! Stay here!!

Ace shoved me to the ground and stormed off before anyone could say anything. Even tho he was out of sight, I still called after him


Ash: No you wont, get up

Rose: 2 words. Fuck. Off

Ash: *sigh*

Ash walked over to me after throwing Athena on his shoulder, He picked me up and threw me onto his other shoulder and began walking in the direction Ace dissapeared in


Ash: Your fine, Im taking you back to the house

Rose: You wouldn't dare!!

Ash:  I would dare and I do dare. I'm taking you back to the house and there's nothing you can do about it

Rose: I'll call the cops!

Ash: Hah! good luck explaining where your at

Rose: They can trace my phone

Ash: Were hours away from the city, They wont be here anytime soon. So go ahead, Call the damn cops. They wont come out here to save your asses anyway

Rose: And just HOW do you know that?

Ash: I know because the cops have great respect for us and wouldn't come out here because they know they'll get a shit ton of money to drop it

Rose: Thats not fair!! Your breaking the law!! You kidnapped us!!

Ash: We apologized for that

Rose: You still kidnapped us tho!

Ash: Look we did it because we need your help but we cant discuss it if Athena cant speak

Athena spoke for the first time in a while

Athena: I c....can to s...s...speak *Cough Cough Cough*

Ash: Barely. We need you to be able to fully speak with out stuttering or coughing. Your voice is still damaged.

Rose: I can speak for her

Ash: Yea, No.

Rose: Ok put me down,  i can walk

Ash: And how do I know you wont try and run away?

Rose: Omg!! Just put  me down!

Ash: Nope 

Rose: Ugh! your such an asshole!!

Ash: Just keep talking 

Rose: Whatever.....

Not long after we arrived back at the house. Ash didn't put me down like I had told him to. I wasn't very happy about it either. When we got back to the house, they made us go back to sleep. And to make sure we didn't escape again, they posted guards outside the room. Ash and Ace even slept on the floor, To make sure we couldn't escape again. There was nothing me or Athena could've done to escape...

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