Gambino CEO

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Ace: Mrs. Blanchard

Rose: Uhh, Yes?

Ace: You said you were here for an interview?

Rose: Oh, Uh, Yes! Yes i am

I can't take my eyes off of him.. Hes so hot, and his hands, Oh those hands, there so beautiful. He looks so strong, and his voice is amazing

Ace: Alright and what position are you looking for?

Rose: Uh, Really any position really

OMG!! I'm making myself look like a fool, but fuck, He is distracting

Ace: Personal assistant? mine just quit

Rose: If that's what you need sir

Ace: Alright come with me

Rose: Yes sir

I followed him out of the office and we went down a few doors and stopped In front of a door that said "Ash Gambino" His brother I'm assuming. He knocked on the door and I heard a similar voice say come in. We walked in and I couldn't believe what was In front of me

Rose: Athena?!

Athena: Rose?!

Ace: You two know each other?

Rose: Yes, that's my best friend also my room mate

Ash: Wonderful, Because you two can be our personally assistants. You will start off with 50 dollars an hour

My eyes widen and I look over at Athena and she has the same look on her face and immediately I know shes thinking the same thing I am. We'll both be rich.

Athena: Sorry, did you say, 50 dollars an hour to start off?

Ash: Yes I did, Our assistant, Adriana, Is currently being paid 200 dollars an hour and she has been working for us a little under 2 years

Me and Athena's eyes widen more. We finish our interviews and meet in the lobby of the luxurious place

Athena: Girl I didn't know you were applying here

Rose: I didn't know YOU were applying here

We exchange glances and begin laughing

Athena: Did he really say he'd start us off with 50 dollars an hour?

Rose: Yea he did, Not long from now well be fucking rich

Athena: Hell Yea we will be. And did you see how hot Ash was

Rose: Did you get a look at Ace? 

Athena: No I was to busy looking at Ashes blue eyes

Rose: I was doing the same thing on Ace honestly

We start laughing again. We stop and get Chinese to eat on the way home. When we get home we start talking about Ace and Ash yet again

Rose: Do you think they have girlfriends?

Athena: Girl for all we know they could be married

Rose: Yea fair point, I mean, they are hot. Especially Ace

Athena: Yea, I think Ash is better tho, Then again they are identical twins sooo

Rose: Yea fair point

I think that night we both fell asleep with the 2 boys on our minds. We spent hours talking about them, Eventually we wore ourselves out and we fell asleep on the couch and the floor. The next morning, There was a knocking at the door

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