Please Be Ok......

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Ace: Hey she'll be alright

Ace said pulling me into a hug

Rose: What even happend.... She was fine... She was talking then she passed out and.... and....

I began to cry

Ace: I know... I know... But the doctors are working on her.. Shes ok..

I couldn't breath I was crying so hard and Ash looked horrible.. A few hours later, I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep until the doctor came out

Doctor: Ash?

Ash: Yes! That's me! How is she!?

Me and Ace stood up and walked over to Ash and the Doctor

Doctor: Well... Shes.. Stable.. For now.. You said she was shot a few months ago?

Ash: Yes, Yes that's right.

Doctor: Well whoever operated on her and stitched her wounds together did it incorrectly. They didn't secure the stitches at all so they came lose and she started internally bleeding in quite a few spots. Not only that but they also didn't remove one of the bullets, If we didn't catch it when we did, It would have started rusting in her body and it possibly could have killed her.

I turned to look at Ash and he looked flaming pissed

Doctor: They also released her from the hospital to soon. They should've kept her for quite a while to monitor her to make sure the stitches didn't come lose and she didn't start internally bleeding. But there were actually 5 wounds instead of 4. The 5th went into the hole of the 4th and that's where the missed bullet came from but the 5th bullet nicked her lung making it hard for her to breath when she internally started bleeding. We put her on oxygen and stitched together the wounds. We're not sure when she'll wake up but when she does wed like to keep her for a while to monitor her to make sure none of the wounds open again. If they do it could be fatal.

Ash: Alright... Thank you.

Ash looked even more pissed than before but he also looked upset. I could tell he was worried about Athena to.

Rose: W...will she be alright?...

I asked the doctor hesitantly

Doctor: If everything goes the way its supposed to she will make a full recovery

Rose: Alright thank you..

I turned and buried my face into Ace's chest and began to cry once more

Ash: Can I see her?..

Doctor: Of course. Right down this hall

The doctor and Ash dissapeared  down a hallway that read "ICU" above the doors

Elias: Rose!!

I turned to see Athena's brother Elias coming through the ER doors

Rose: Hey Elias..

Elias: Is she alright....

I explained everything that happend and what the doctor had said and Elias's face filled with worry

Elias: Oh my... Are you alright?...

Rose: Yea...Im ok..

Elias: Im not sure when Luna and our father will be here but I called them. I didn't call mom though. I know her and mom don't get along and I figured she wouldn't want Clara here anyways..

Rose: Yea.. 

Elias: Who's your friend?

Rose: Oh, This is my Boyfriend Ace, His twin brother is the one that was with Athena when she was shot, His name is Ash but he's in the ICU room shes being kept in right now with her.

Elias: Ah

He stuck his hand out towards Ace's

Elias: Im Elias, Athena's Half brother

Ace shook his hand but didn't say much

Ace: Im Ace

After that we sat in the lobby. Waiting for any news on Athena..

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