What Do We Do With Them?

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Ace: What the hell are we going to do with 2 girls in our house?!

Ash: How the hell am I supposed to know?!

Ace: Your the one who told the guys to kidnap them!!

Ash: You agreed to it!! 

Ace: I know you did it because you think that one girl Is sexy

Ash: You only agreed to it because you think the same damn thing Ace!

Ace: Oh please, You take after dad

Ash: Oh I take after him?! YOUR MY TWIN BROTHER!!


With Athena And Rose

"what the hell is that" 

Athena wrote down on a paper

Rose: How the fuck am i supposed to know

"Ha-Ha very funny"

I wrote down on the paper. Rolling my eyes after    

Rose: Hey! don't roll your eyes at me! Bitch


Rose: Slut


Rose: Asshole


Rose: You are to!

"Prove it!!"

Rose: Bet bitch! I will!!

" Oh I'm sure you will!!"

Rose: I will! And you know what, WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT


Me and Rose argued back and forth like that for a good hour. We had a good time tho, And then of course Ash walked in  on me and Rose, Yet again, Fighting on the floor

Ash: What the hell are you two doing?!?!

Rose: Chill the fuck out would you?! I'm not actually hurting her!

I shook my head in agreement, Then pointed to the door as my way of telling him to get the fuck out and leave us alone.  He shook his head and began walking away, Giving up on trying to stop us from fighting. It was obvious to tell he wasn't happy with us fighting tho. Why he was unhappy with it, I wasn't sure. I didn't really have a care or interest for it either. They offered us some food and water and we declined, But they still left the food and water in the room. That night I couldn't sleep, Instead I was up trying to think of a way to break out of there and find our way home.  I was still pretty upset they had kidnapped us, As any NORMAL person would be.

Then thoughts of how attractive Ash was began creeping into my mind. I pushed them out tho, Reminding myself he kidnapped us and was probably planning to kill us after he had gotten what he wanted out of us. My guess was there plan was to get us to trust them, Make us think they wont hurt us, Then while were asleep, There going to throw us into a dungeon cell and torture information out of us, Or at least try. I wont tell them shit tho. They can torture me all they want, But they wont get a single piece of information out of me. Whatever information it is they want from us..

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