Don't Leave Me...

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Since Ace and Rose were busy I decided to take Athena out for a walk in a small near by town I went to often to clear my head

Athena: Its so beautiful here

I pulled Athena into my arms

Ash: Not as beautiful as you

I gave her a kiss

Athena: Your so sweet

Ash: I know

I said slipping my hand into hers, But then she suddenly let go

Ash: Athena

I turned around and saw her gripping her stomach


3 gun shots had been fired. All 3 hit Athena and she fell to the ground


I ran over to her and pulled her into my lap and called 911

Ash: Athena, Baby... don't leave me.. Please... I... I love you...

Athena: you

Her eyes closed

Ash: Athena! Baby... No open your eyes.. C'mon.. LOOK AT ME DAMNIT!!

I hadn't realized the ambulance had arrived

Paramedic 1: I need gauze and fluids!!

They took her from me and  put her on a stretcher.

Ash: NO!! Give her back!! I cant lose her please!!!

Paramedic 2: Sir you can ride with us to the hospital but we have to go now

I climbed into  the back of the ambulance while the first paramedic started an IV in Athena's arm. I grabbed her hand

Ash: Don't leave me.. Please.....

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed her down a hallway. I called Ace

Ace: Hello?

Ash: *sniff*

Ace: Ash... Are you ok?.


Ace: Ash.. What happend..

Ash: A.. Athena...

Ace: Ash.. What happend to Athena

Ash: S..she...

Ace: She what?...

Ash: Shes been shot....

Ace: WHAT?!

Ash: I...Im at the right now waiting for her get out of

Ace: Oh my god!! Where are you!! 

I could hear Ace and Rose getting dressed

Ash: I..I'm at Wh...White Land H...Hospital...

Ace: Ok, Ash, Stay there. Me and Rose are on our way alright?

Ash: k...k....

 I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands and I began to cry

About an hour later Ace and Rose arrived at the hospital

Ace: Ash..

I got up and hugged Ace

Ace: Ash what happend.

Ash: W...We... We were taking a walk... I felt her hand slip out of mine and I turned around and I saw her grabbing her stomach... Then I heard 3 gunshots and she fell to the ground...

I began crying again

Rose: Oh my god.......

Rose began crying to

Doctor: Ash?

 I turned around..

Ash: That's me...

Doctor: Alright. Ms. Jackson is.. Stable for now.. She had 4 gun shot wounds. 1 to the stomach, 2 to her spine and another went through her shoulder. Were mostly concerned about the 1 to her stomach and 2 to her spine. 3 of the 4 bullets were there. The one through her shoulder had an exit wound. She has a 85% chance of surviving. But..

Ash: But what..

Doctor: Its likely she will never walk again but we cant be sure until we can do some further examination

Ash: C...Can I see her?...

Doctor: Right this way

The doctor led me down the hall of the ICU and into the room where Athena was. My sweet angel... It was painful seeing her hooked to a breathing machine but I walked over to her..

Ash: Hey sweetie.. I know you cant hear me right now.. But I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you....

Athena was in a coma for about 3 weeks. I never left her room. I stayed with her every day. They moved her out of the ICU. Ace and Rose came pretty often to.

It was a Monday morning and I was sitting by her hospital bed, Like usual, Holding her hand

Ash: There's so much your missing my love.. Ace says he fired Becky because she kissed him. He said Rose beat the fuck out of her for it. He said the new secretary is amazing. Rose says shes exactly like Lucy and that you'd love her. Rose also said there flying in your dad to come see you.

Then I felt her hand tighten around mine.

Athena: S...Sou...Sounds a...ama..amazing...


I leaned in and gave her a long, Passionate kiss

Ash: L..Let me go get the doctor!!

I rushed out of the room to get the doctor. A few moments later the doctor walked in

Doctor: Alright Athena, My name is Dr. Lu. You've been in a coma for about 3 weeks now

Athena: What happend.. Everything hurts..

Dr. Lu: That would make sense. You were shot 4 times

Athena: I was?..

Ash: Yea..... You were... We were on a walk and your hand slipped out of mine and when I turned around you were shot 3 more times and you fell to the ground

Athena: All I remember is a sharp pain in my stomach..

Dr.Lu: Yes, That was the first place you were shot

Dr. Lu did an examination on Athena to make sure everything was working properly. Dr. Lu also said that she would be able to walk again with time and that the 2 bullets to her spine did no permanent damage and that she could be discharged later that day. And later that day she was discharged and I took her home and we pulled into the drive way and I looked at her

Ash: Ready?

Athena: Yea

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