The Neighbor

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Rose: Who's at the door?

Athena: Take a guess

I got up and walked towards the door and carefully looked out the window

Rose: What does she want

I whisper yelled at Athena

Athena: How the hell should I know

She whisper yelled back. She opened the door to find a VERY angry Karen White

Athena: Miss White! How lovely to see you, To what do we owe the pleasure?

Karen: I noticed you looking out the window earlier and I would like to know what you were doing!

Athena: Oh, Well you see we thought we heard something crash outside our door so we were looking to see if we could see it or if we were hearing things, Im so sorry if you thought we were looking at you

Karen: Hm, Well if you say so Miss Athena

Athena: Would you like to come in and have some tea or something? You look quite exhausted

Karen: Why thank you

What the hell is Athena doing letting this woman into our house!

Athena: Come sit over here, The couch is brand new so it should be alright. Rose can you go make some tea? I'll be there in a moment to help

Rose: Yea, sure

I left the room to go make some tea wondering what the hell Athena was thinking. I began making the tea and decided to make some biscuits and brownie's to while I'm at it. Not long after Athena  joined me in the kitchen and began helping out with the biscuits and brownie's and tea.

Rose: what the hell were you thinking letting her into our house

Athena: I was just being nice. I don't want her calling the cops on us. You know how Karen's are

Rose: I know exactly how they are, Still why would you let her into our house'

Athena: I was just being nice so we don't get any charges for stupid shit ok?

Rose: K, Whatever

We brought out the biscuits and brownies and I made an excuse that I had some work to do and left the room. About 2 hours later Karen FINNALY left our house. I was overjoyed she was gone. Me and Athena didn't really speak much that night


I looked at my phone to find a text from her

Athena: Hey I'm going to the pizza place down the street

I just replied with 

Rose: K

I heard her leave. After that, I don't remember much, All I remember is someone screaming my name down the street. After that, Nothing.

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