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I could tell Rose was mad at me for letting Karen White into our house, But I brushed it off. I sent her a text

Athena: Im going to get pizza

All she responded with was 

Rose: K

I could tell she was upset with me. She loves pizza. On my way back, Passing the ally way, I felt someone grab me

Athena: HEY!! LET ME GO

I don't know who it was, but they responded in a very angry voice


The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I kicked and screamed and fought back as best I could, But It wasn't working..

Athena: ROSE!! ROSE HELP!!!

???: I SAID SHUT UP!!!!

I don't know what happens after that. Everything is black. When I awoke I was in a very nice bedroom, but it wasn't mine. I knew nothing. All I knew was that my body hurt and I had a pounding headache


I tried to speak, But I couldn't. My throat hurt to. I must've damaged my vocal cords last night. I tried to sit up, It hurt, and it took me a while but I eventually got it. I took a look around me. The room was very spacious. The walls and floors were a grey color with red designs on them. There were 3 other doors in the room. One led out to a balcony, Another I'm not sure where and the Last to a bathroom. Then, He walked in

Ash: I see your awake. Im very sorry about last night, I understand my men were a bit rough with you. The doctor said you might have a concussion. He also said you damaged your vocal cords so I wouldn't try to talk to much

I shot him a dirt look. I was angry. How could he do this. He runs a company yet he kidnaps people.

Ash: Cmon, Don't be like that. Your quite alright, I assure you

I turned my head from him and crossed my arms and let out a very angry "Humph". To let him know I was mad. He then had the audacity to sit next to me

Ash: Your friend is ok

I looked at him almost instantly, and I was ready to kill him. He kidnapped Rose to?! That bastard!

Ash: I'll be back alright?

I just rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled and walked through the door, The one I wasn't sure where it led to. He returned a few minutes later, This time with a man who looked similar to him. It was the same man who Rose was with when we were at interviews. The man Rose was with stepped to the side and there I saw Rose, She looked terrified but she ran over to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back

Rose: ATHENA!! Oh my hell!! Are you alright?!

I nodded my head to let her know I was alright. She then turned to look at the 2 men and began yelling

Rose: You bastards!! How could you do this to us?! We did nothing!! And yet you seemed so sweet and kind at the interviews. But NO I was wrong, Your just twisted kidnappers!!!

Ace: Rose were sorry but you weren't safe

Rose: And how the FUCK do you know?! Huh?! 

Ash: Hes right. You 2 weren't safe. There were multiple times you were almost kidnapped, If we hadn't gotten to you first, you probably wouldn't be hugging each other right now

Rose hugged me even tighter and I hugged her back

Rose: whatever....

Ace: we'll let you 2 be

Rose: Yes!! Please, Do!

Rose was pissed. I tapped her shoulder to get her to look at me and when she did I shook my head a little and hugged her once more, Glad she was alright

Rose: Im so sorry thea. I shouldve gone with you. Then we wouldn't be here

I looked at her and gave her a smile to let her know it was okay and I wasn't upset. I was just glad she was safe. Rose found some paper and a pen for me to write with so I wouldnt have to use my voice and damage it more

Rose: How long do you think we'll be here

I wrote down on the paper, 
"Im not sure. We could be here for days, Weeks, Forever maybe"

Rose: Yea.. How long do you have to use paper and pen to speak?

"Im not sure. I'm hoping its only a few days. Paper and pen is annoying"

Rose: Yea i can tell. You look pretty frustrated

"I am frustrated. I'm more than frustrated. Im pissed!"

Rose just began laughing at my anger towards a sheet of paper and pen. I punched her in the arm and of course she didn't like that

 Rose: OW! You bitch!

I gave her a bit of a sinister look
I wrote down on the paper. We then began to play fight on the floor

Ash: What the hell are you 2 doing

Rose: Shut up and stay out of it

We continued to wrestle around a bit more before she got me into a "choke hold"

Rose: Give Up?

Ash: HEY!! Let her go before you hurt her!!

I tapped out so ash wouldn't get involved and Rose released me and helped me off the floor. We looked at each other and she began to laugh and I did to, Even though it hurt. Ash whoever didn't find it so funny, But we didn't care. We thought it was hilarious. 

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