Rose's Journal

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Journal Entry 1 Monday: Its been a year since Athena went back to the hospital

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Journal Entry 1 Monday: Its been a year since Athena went back to the hospital.. Were all worried about her but the doctors seem hopeful but its still scary knowing your best friend is in the hospital.. 

In other news things between me and Ace are going well  <3.  On Thursday we'll be dating 1 year. I'm planning on buying a  Spicy  outfit for him and surprising him in it . I'm taking him to a hotel though.. I think leaving Ash alone might be better for him because him and Athena will also be dating a year Wednesday. 

We don't really see much of Ash anymore.. He spends all his time at the hospital with Athena. And if hes not at the hospital hes in her bedroom.  

Journal Entry 2 Tuesday:   Im begining to get excited! 2 more days until I get to surprise Ash. Me and Lucy are going lingerie shopping today. Hopefully we get something good. The hard part will be sneaking it into the house and hiding it. Lucy said she could help me with that though.

 There's no update on Athena. Or Ash. Athena's still in her coma and Ash is still really shut down and spending as much time at the hospital with her as possible. He practically refuses to leave her side. It's almost impossible for me and Ace to get him to eat or drink or even come home and get some sleep. I don't think Ash has slept in a week or more. If a doctor or nurse comes in to check on her he gets worried..

Journal Entry 3 Tuesday: We went to see Athena today.. As usual  Ash was by her side. Not moving. Not talking. Just sitting there. Next to her bed looking at her. Holding her hand.. It was a sad sight to see honestly but sweet at the same time. It hurt to see Athena back in a hospital bed but it was sweet Ash was with her. Everything seemed so still, So quiet. Me and Ace were just standing in the door way watching Ash when alarms started going off in Athena's room.. Something was wrong but the doctors wouldn't tell us what.. Ash broke the glass trying to get to her.. Now he has to fix it.. Athena was ok in the end.. The doctors said she had a bad reaction to  some medication they had her on. As soon as they said we could go back in Ash practically ran back into her room and placed himself right back at the edge of her bed again.. Holding her hand.. Me and Ace had to leave because it was getting late but Ash didn't really care

Journal Entry 4 Wednesday: No ones seen Kenny since Athena went back into the hospital.. After she went back he disappeared... No ones seen him since.. We've all tried to call him but he doesn't answer.. Jax frequently calls or texts to ask how shes doing.. But were all worried about Athena, Ash and Kenny.... Some of us are worried he killed himself or overdosed on something... Jax has gone to his apartment but Kenny wasn't there... We don't know where he is... We've even tried calling the cops and they  tried tracing his phone but they had no luck.. He shut his phone off so it went straight to voice mail..

Journal Entry 5 Thursday:  Today is one year! Except were not spending it like i planned..... Instead were spending it in bed..... With Ace treating me like a princess.. I had  huge plans to... But then i got sick... Today's still sweet.. Just not as sweet as i had planned.. But you know what, Its ok. Because as long as im spending it with Ace im ok with anything. Im still gonna try and fuck him though. I didn't get rid of that plan. Im not really sure how far ill get, But were going to find out 

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