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Going up the elevator I begin getting really nervous. The ground slowly going out of view and the elevator being made out of glass doesn't help. Without thinking about it, I grab Ashes arm

Ash: Are you alright?

Me and Ash were alone in the elevator. Ace and Rose took the other elevator. The elevators only fit 3 people at a time and Ash and Ace don't trust me and Rose so Ash decided to take one elevator with me and Ace and Rose took the other

I don't answer Ash, Instead I grip his arm tighter

Ash turns to me and pulls me into a hug

Ash: Hey, shhh, its alright

Athena: I..I'm a..afr...afraid of h...h...he...heights...

Ash: I can tell. *he hugs me a little tighter*

I pull myself as close to him as I can.. I hate him with everything in me, But yet, Him holding me like this is somehow... Comforting

Ash begins stroking my hair and I hide my face in his chest. After a few minutes I look up and him and he looks at me. He then lifts me up on his feet so I'm a little taller and I hide my face in his shoulder.

Ash: Are you alright *he whispers against my neck*

I immediately get turned on. but I don't show it

Athena: m..mhm..

Ash: Hey..

I look at him and he looks at me, Slowly he brings his face closer to mine, I should yell at him, hit him, hate him, But I cant. He gently puts his lips against mine and gives me a small kiss, I want to pull away, But the way he tastes, I cant.. I kiss him back

It's such a gentle, Passionate kiss, Its comforting. I forget were hundreds of feet in the sky and the ground is out of sight. He breaks the kiss and looks at me

Ash: Your going to hate me for that tomorrow, But do you feel better?

Athena: Yea, I do. Thanks

Ash: We wont talk about this, Hm?

Athena: Agreed

He gives me one more kiss and then lifts me off his feet. Then the elevator doors open right as I begin standing next to his side. 

The doors open and i see there's at least a hundred people or more.. I feel myself getting nervous again. Ash puts his hand on my back and gives me a small nudge. We walk into the room and i feel my heart rate begin to increase. Rose isn't there yet. Ash looks at me

Ash: Is everything ok?

Athena: Y..yea 

I cant tell Ash im having an anxiety attack

Athena: im gonna go to the bathroom

before Ash can say anything i practically run to the bathroom. As soon i as i get to the bathroom i begin hyperventilating and sweating. Soon tears start streaming down my face and i cant breath or think. I immediately run into a bathroom stall to hide. Not long after, The bathroom door slams open and someone comes in and begins kicking in the stall doors.. Im not sure who it is.. but I don't want to find out.. Finnaly, they get to the stall I'm hiding in... I shut my eyes as tight as possible, And then the door is kicked open.. Suddenly I hear the door lock and someones arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and see its Ash

Ash: I could tell you were lying when you said you were ok

Athena: Oh...

Ash: Whats wrong

Ash pulls away from the hug and begins wiping the tears from my face 

Ash: Whats going on darling

The nickname turns me back on

Athena: Anxiety attack...

Ash: Why darling

Athena: To many people...

Ash: Im sorry..

Ash pulls me back into a hug and begins caressing my back. I begin resting my head on his shoulder, He then gently places a hand on my thigh, Which turns me on more. Ash then begins placing small gentle kisses along my neckline. I lift my head so he has better access. My brain is telling me I should hate this, But my body and heart tell me I love it. My hands shoot to his back and I grip his suit tightly. He then begins biting and sucking on my neck.

Athena: A-ah~

Ash: Shhh baby girl, Dont get us caught

I go silent again, Obeying his command. He then moves back to my lips and begins kissing me again, His tounge brushes the edge of my lips and I open my mouth more, giving him access and he begins giving me a French kiss. After a few minutes he breaks the kiss and pulls me to my feet. He then backs me up against the wall

Ash: Jump

I do as he says and he places his hands on my ass to hold me up. I feel sparks shoot through out my body and we continue  to kiss. Not long after he grabs my ass tighter and more sparks shoot throughout my body. About 10 minutes later he breaks the kiss and whispers against my neck

Ash: Come on baby, We should get back to the party

I nod my head in agreement and he lets me down off the wall slowly 

Ash: One last thing

He gives me one more kiss 

Ash: Your my little slut, and mine ONLY, No one else can have you understand?

He says against my neck

Atnena: Yes master

I practically moan

He gives me one last kiss and we exit the stall and carefully make our way back to the party

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