Fancy Tricks

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A few hours later I woke up but noticed Athena wasn't next to me, Athena? Baby?.. I got up and began searching for her but had no luck. I began getting worried.. What if she had played me and she ran away again..

Ace: Niceeee!!

I heard Ace's voice coming from the indoor gun range we had built into our house. I opened the door to the gun range to find Ace, Rose and Athena. I saw Athena holding a Black gun with a Blue fire design on it that I had never seen before. She cocked the gun and aimed at a target, a few minutes later she hits the target bullseye.

Rose: Alright, Alright show off

Athena: Your just jealous i hit the target

Rose: Watch me hit it in the head bitch!

Athena: Bet bitch

Rose: Ight bet

Ash: Whats goin on in here

Ace: Turns out your girls really good at shooting

I walked up behind Athena and put my arms around her waist

Ash: Is that so?

Athena: Yea it is so

Ash: And where did you learn that

Her and Rose look at each other and give each other concerning looks

Athena: My father taught me as a child

I could tell she was lying but I brushed it off

I looked over to see Rose had a Black gun with Red fire designs in it that I had never seen before. Rose cocked the gun, Aimed, waited a moment, Then fired and hit the target in the head

Athena: Niceee!

Ace walked over and kissed Rose

Ace: Nice baby

Kenny: Alright bitches my turn

Athena: Lets see it asshole

Kenny: Bet hoe

Ash: Ay! Don't call my girl a hoe

Athena: Baby its fine, We do this all the time

Ash: I still don't like him calling you a hoe

I was angry Kenny had called Athena a hoe.  I didn't care she was ok with it. I wasn't ok with it.  I gave her a kiss on her neck. She arched her neck a little bit so I had some better accsess

Athena: No marks

She mumbled loud enough for just me to hear

Ash: You got it baby girl

I whispered against her neck. I continued kissing her neck, Careful not to make any marks

The gun Kenny was shooting went off

Kenny: Your turn Athena

Athena: Uh, Rose you can go next I'm going to the bathroom

Rose: Uh, Alright

Athena turned to me

Athena: I'll see you later

She gave me a kiss then turned and looked at Rose and nodded her head, Then she practically ran out of the room

Rose: I'll be right back

Ace: Whats up with them?

Ash: I don't know

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