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Me and Athena walked down the hall and into my room

Ash: Are you alright my love

Athena: Yea, Im alright

I walked over to Athena and pulled her into a hug

Ash: Baby, Please don't lie to me, I know somethings up.

Athena: *sigh* I just.. don't have a good history with getting yelled at is all

Ash: Do you wanna-

Athena: No please

Ash: Ok

A few minutes later, I picked up Athena and placed her on my bed. I went to my closet and pulled out one of my hoodies and gave it to Athena, After she got comfortable in my hoodie I laid down next to her and held her until she fell asleep.

I woke up to Athena lightly shaking me

Athena: Baby, wake up

Ash: Everything alright?

 Athena: Yea, can I ask you something?

I sit up

Ash: Of course baby

Athena: Um.. Can we... Can we go back to me and Roses old apartment and get our old stuff??....

Ash: Is Ace ok with it?

Athena: Yea

Ash: Mmmm, Only if we come with you

Athena: Ok! Thank you!

Athena threw herself into me and gave me a long, sweet and passionate kiss. Athena then put on some shoes and we got into the car and began driving.  We pulled into the driveway and the girls practically jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Then I heard Athena scream

Athena: KENNY!?



Athena and Rose ran into the house before we could stop them. Me and Ace looked at each other then ran into the house. We ran in and saw a man sitting on the couch

Athena: Omg, Ummmmm, Hi?

He stood up

Kenny: Where the FUCK have you two been?

Rose: Uhhhh, Well you see its a bit of a long story

Ash: Are you alright?!

Athena: Yea I'm ok, Ash, This is my best friend, Kenny. Kenny, This is my....

Ash: Boyfriend

Athena gave me a sweet smile

Kenny: WHAT

Athena: This is my boyfriend Ash Gambino. That's his twin brother Ace Gambino

Rose: My boyfriend

Kenny: You've GOT to be fucking kidding me. You 2 don't show up to your apartment for about a month, then you come back and say you have boyfriends. AND I can't call your asses because Athena's phone was dead and broken in an ally way and Roses phone was on the floor. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!!


Athena: Ash, its ok. Well, YOU FUCKING TWAT! Ill have you know! Me and Rose were kidnapped, I in an ally way and Rose out of her bedroom. We've been staying in a fancy ass mansion for the past month and have been treated like fucking queens and in that time I have ALSO been fucked twice so I am having the time of my life you fuck wad

Kenny: WELL, You FUCKING HOE, I will have YOU know that in the past month I have sat my happy ass on this couch waiting for you, Raided your fridge, And packed all of your SHIT into suitcases because I figured you would be MOVING out! But you NEVER came back, SO there fore all your shit is in suitcases, The fridge is empty and the apartment has been paid off. NOW that you have FINNALY returned would you like to tell me why the FUCK I moved out here if you don't LIVE HERE ANYMORE!!

Athena: WELL YOU DIP STICK, Since you moved out here you can put your happy ass in your truck and follow us to the mansion and live with us!

Ash: Wha-

 Athena: Ash, Shut up


Athena: Great! Get your shit and well get ours and you can follow us to the mansion Sex addict!

I wasn't happy about Kenny moving in with us, But Athena was happy and that was all I wanted was for her to be happy. We got the girls things into the car and Kenny put his things in his truck and followed us to the mansion. When we got there and got the girls and Kenny's things unpacked the girls and Kenny sat in the kitchen catching up and they seemed to be having a good time so me and Ace decided to leave them be to talk, Even though I didn't trust Kenny, Athena did and he seemed to make her happy so I decided not to let it bother me and to get to know him first before I made my judgement's about 

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